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  • Hanover Evening Sun

    🔥A fatal mixture

    By Harrison Jones, Hanover Evening Sun,

    12 days ago

    Good morning, Hanover!

    Your Wednesday Hanover weather forecast: A high of 88, low of 60. Warm and partly sunny. ⛅

    Enjoying the daily briefing? Help it grow by forwarding this email to your family and friends and encouraging them to sign up here !

    Today's newsletter is a double feature, with two highlights from an enterprise project of mine, so let's dive in.. .

    🔥Smoking on oxygen killed 3 York countians this year. A $4.45 device might have saved them

    Here's my enterprise story on a truly national problem that often results in horrific collateral damage, killing an average of one person every four days around the country. This year alone, three in York County were killed, including a 4-year-old.

    It seems obvious that smoking while on oxygen can result in grave injury or death. Hearing about such a horrific case, many people reflexively default to victim blaming: It's sad, but they should have known better.

    But experts say that victim blaming doesn't solve this widespread problem that could be prevented in many cases with a simple, inexpensive device that cuts off oxygen flow when exposed to flames.

    And yet those devices are not mandated by many government agencies despite overwhelming evidence that they could save lives − not just of those who die or are injured smoking while on oxygen, but those of innocent family members also hurt or killed when oxygen explodes or flashes.

    Click here to read more.

    Oxygen plus smoking equals horrific tragedy: Hanover firefighters show what can happen

    It's a potentially fatal mixture: high levels of pure oxygen flowing through tubing, and the flame from a lit cigarette.

    In the wake of three fatal oxygen fires in York County since the beginning of 2024, Hanover Area Fire & Rescue Chief Tony Clousher and his crew set up a demonstration of what can happen when a person smokes while on oxygen.

    Click here to read more about what happens during one of these incidents, and to see the horrific video from their demonstration.

    What else you should know today:

    📰Ride offer turns to robbery: Hanover police say a victim was offered a ride, then taken to ATM and forced to withdraw money. Here's my report on that.

    🏆Records to break: Check out this list of records that could be broken during today's track and field championship, which begin at 3 p.m. today at Dallastown.

    👟Athlete of the week: Don't forget to vote for your athlete of the week! Polls close at 5 p.m. today.

    📰Fishing hooks in dog treats: Officials are investigating after fishing hooks were discovered in dog treats along a hiking trail in south western Pennsylvania, here's more on that.

    Three questions in the community: Dr. Miranda Rep

    In this week's Q&A, I decided to talk with one of my close friends from high school, Mirii Rep, who just graduated from medical school! Mirii has been working towards this moment for 10 years after graduating from Hanover in 2014, and I'm really proud of her hard work.

    Mirii will be doing her OBGYN residency with St. Luke's Hospital in Bethlehem! Residency is how new doctors begin their careers, gaining additional hands-on experience with their chosen specialty in a clinical setting.

    Q: What first brought you to the Hanover area?

    Rep: My family and I moved to Hanover in 2009 from Argentina after my dad was transferred due to his work.

    Q: What was the toughest part of medical school?

    Rep: Medical school by nature is extremely tough. We are often told learning in medical school is “like drinking from a fire hydrant.” The sheer amount of information, combined with the level of detail required for us to learn can be extremely overwhelming at times.

    As I was getting used to this new life of studying all day, attending Zoom sessions, and feeling disconnected from my classmates in the middle of a global pandemic, I lost my mom in a tragic accident just 4 months into my medical school career.

    My mom was my biggest supporter and her loss affected me deeply. Every milestone of my time as a medical student was bittersweet without her physical presence there to cheer me on. This profound loss, combined with the constant feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome that the medical education system fosters, made graduation feel, at times, like an unreachable finish line.

    However, with the support of my friends & family, I remained steadfast on reaching the goal that my mom and I had spent dreaming of for many years. I know her love and encouragement were present for every step of the way.

    Q: What would you tell someone who is pursuing becoming a doctor?

    Rep: I would tell them to buckle up for a wild ride!

    Despite the many hours spent studying, working for free on clinical rotations, and crying over the seemingly impossible journey (I promise there are also many great moments!!), it is an indescribable feeling to step on the stage at graduation as you’re called “Dr. Rep” for the very first time.

    I would tell them not to give up, even when times get tough, and to never let go of the dream that got them there in the first place.

    Finally, I would encourage them to foster their empathy, their compassion, and their humanity. Now more than ever, we need doctors who will understand, listen, and comfort their patients. Don’t ever forget that medicine, at its core, is a profession that relies on the profound human connection that links us all as people.

    Thanks for speaking with me, Mirii!

    If any of y'all have feedback, pet photos, or questions, feel free to send them over to my email at ! I will do my best to answer any questions if I can, and I will be happy to highlight any comments y'all might have.

    That's it for your Wednesday Daily Briefing!

    This article originally appeared on Hanover Evening Sun: 🔥A fatal mixture

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