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  • Parade Pets

    Funny Cat Raids Mom's Purse Like He's Looking for His Lost Keys

    By Nicole Pomarico,

    14 days ago

    I'm sure they exist, but I've never met a cat who wasn't at least a little bit mischievous. These creatures always seem to be getting into things we wish they wouldn't... and usually making a mess in the process. Of course, I don't blame my cats for being so curious about the world around them — after all, that's part of what makes them so smart! — but I do wish they wouldn't knock everything off my kitchen counters while they're investigating. Is that really so much to ask?

    But no matter how curious my own feline family members might be, they've got nothing on the cat in this TikTok video. One cat mom caught her kitty rummaging through her purse, and he's not even sorry that he got caught!

    On Friday, May 3, @threenawtycats shared this footage of her Tabby cat searching through her bag like he'd forgotten something in there — maybe his phone or his car keys.

    The contents of the bag had been totally emptied out onto the floor when she took the video, and even after the kitty realized that he was being filmed, he didn't look the least bit guilty about what he'd done.

    "My cat always thinking he will find something that belongs to him inside my purse," she wrote in the video.

    In the comments, one person compared him to a shameless TSA agent, while another suggested that his mom hide something of his in there next time so he can find it and finally feel satisfied with his search. Or maybe that would only encourage him to search through her bag more often?

    Why Do Cats Like Bags?

    It's not just that cats are nosy and like to snoop through our things — there are actual reasons why so many of them truly do enjoy any bags that we might have in the house!

    In the end, it really all comes down to the same reasons that cats love boxes so much: They like to be in small, enclosed spaces because it makes them feel warm and safe. There's a good chance the kitty in the video wanted to get that purse empty so he could see if he could fit inside.

    Purses like these also appeal to a cat's more playful side. They love to explore anything different or new — everything in that bag had items of different textures that they may not encounter often! Plus, all the sounds of the different items hitting the floor, all those smells... so much exploring to do.

    Maybe this kitty needs a purse of his own to store his toys. He might really enjoy it!

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