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    Finding Emotional Support Following a Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Diagnosis

    By By Blake Miller. Medically Reviewed by Thomas Urban Marron, MD, PhD,

    Finding support is essential, because a cancer diagnosis affects not only you but also your loved ones.
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    For people who have been diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), mental health effects, including emotional distress, can often accompany the physical impact of the disease. One study of people with advanced metastatic lung cancer found that as many as 46 percent had symptoms of emotional distress, 35 percent had symptoms of anxiety , and 31 percent had symptoms of depression . And a review of previous research found that about 30 to 50 percent of NSCLC patients experienced anxiety or depression after surgery.

    Coping with the emotional toll of the disease is as important as dealing with the physical issues. For one thing, mental health issues can negatively affect treatment. "Mental health is important for any patient's well-being, not just a cancer patient's," says Jack Jacoub, MD , a medical oncologist and the medical director of MemorialCare Cancer Institute at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California. "A lot of times when a patient receives a lung cancer diagnosis, they feel it's a death sentence. I have found that cancer patients who have a strong support system, which may include working with a mental health specialist, fare better."

    For example, a study found that of over 55,000 veterans treated for lung cancer, those who received mental health care lived substantially longer than those who did not focus on their mental health.

    Another study showed that depression may hamper the potential benefits of advanced treatments for NSCLC, such as immunotherapy and targeted therapies.

    Here are some proven ways to tend to your mental well-being, including your emotional health, after learning you have non-small cell lung cancer:

    1. Embrace Palliative Care

    Palliative care, which focuses on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a diagnosis and illness, is becoming more common in the early treatment of lung cancer. A study found that introducing palliative care soon after diagnosis or at the start of treatment increased the chance of survival for people with lung cancer.

    "Palliative care is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to lung cancer and mental health," says Kristen Marrone, MD , a lung cancer oncologist at Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in Baltimore. "That and access to our social workers are two of our biggest tools and assets when treating our patients."

    2. Start a Mindfulness Practice

    Meditation and other mindfulness-based interventions have a positive effect on quality of life for cancer patients, according to a review. Those who received mindfulness-based interventions reported significantly lower anxiety, depression, fatigue, and stress and a greater quality of life. Mindfulness-based art therapy had the greatest impact on anxiety and depression.

    Mind-body practices, such as meditation and yoga, "really help patients stay engaged and aware of what's going on with their bodies and help them handle the mental and emotional aspects of their diagnosis better," says Dr. Marrone.

    3. Try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Emotional and mental support can be through a psychologist, psychiatrist, or licensed therapist who uses cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of talk therapy. With CBT you'll work with a mental health professional to help you become more aware of negative thinking and change how you view challenging situations, so you can better respond to them, according to the American Psychological Association . It also addresses behavioral patterns, helping people make positive changes in their habits.

    "A therapist can be enormously helpful throughout the course of diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer," says John Schweichler , a medical family therapist with the Duke Cancer Center Patient Support Program. "Your oncology team may have a therapist available on staff, or they may be able to recommend local providers. Consider seeking a provider who has experience working with couples and families, as we know that a cancer diagnosis affects the whole family's well-being."

    4. Move Your Body

    A review reported that physical exercise can decrease cancer risk, reduce adverse effects of cancer treatment, enhance the curative effects of cancer treatment, improve prognosis, and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. In addition, exercise can improve the mental state of a person who has cancer, according to another review.

    "Exercise and maintaining a healthy weight certainly helps lung cancer patients stay stronger mentally and emotionally," says Marrone. But this doesn't necessarily mean taking on a strenuous exercise regimen. Work with your care team to develop a plan for physical activity that's right for you.

    5. Take Mental Time-Outs

    Taking time away from everything related to cancer treatment is important for maintaining positive mental health, according to Schweichler.

    "Take time to care for yourself," he says. "The effort you put toward caring for yourself physically, emotionally, and in your relationships with loved ones will help you to have the best possible outcomes."

    6. Turn to Your Faith

    If you're religious, the support you receive from your church, synagogue, mosque, or temple can provide needed strength, Marrone says.

    "We have seen those communities rally around people simply by checking in on them, visiting them, bringing them meals, or taking them to appointments so they're not alone," she says. "It's a layer of support and positivity that helps people a lot after a diagnosis and especially during treatment."

    7. Find a Support Group

    More than 238,000 Americans were diagnosed with lung cancer in 2023 alone, according to the Lung Cancer Research Foundation .

    The silver lining: Thousands of local and national support groups for people with lung cancer have sprung up as a result, according to Schweichler. The American Lung Association , CancerCare , Lungevity , and many other organizations offer a variety of in-person and online support groups for people battling the disease.

    "There are other people like you out there," says Schweichler. "Take opportunities to learn from their experience and seek their support. Support groups can be a wonderful source of information and support for both patients and caregivers. Additionally, connecting with a local or national lung cancer advocacy and support organization can provide valuable support and resources."

    More in Lung Cancer

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    Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

    Everyday Health follows strict sourcing guidelines to ensure the accuracy of its content, outlined in our editorial policy . We use only trustworthy sources, including peer-reviewed studies, board-certified medical experts, patients with lived experience, and information from top institutions.


    1. Gonzalez-Ling A et al. Quality of Life, Anxiety, Depression, and Distress in Patients With Advanced and Metastatic Lung Cancer. Palliative & Supportive Care . August 2023.
    2. Wang F et al. Anxiety, Depression, and Quality of Life in Postoperative Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Under the Intervention of Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management. Frontiers in Psychology . 2023.
    3. Berchuck JE et al. Association of Mental Health Treatment With Outcomes for US Veterans Diagnosed With Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer. JAMA Oncology . July 2020.
    4. Andersen BL et al. Psychological Symptom Trajectories and Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Survival: A Joint Model Analysis. Psychosomatic Medicine . February-March 2022.
    5. Sullivan DR et al. Association of Early Palliative Care Use With Survival and Place of Death Among Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer Receiving Care in the Veterans Health Administration. JAMA Oncology . December 2019.
    6. Xunlin NG et al. The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions Among Cancer Patients and Survivors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer . April 2020.
    7. What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? American Psychological Association. 2017.
    8. Wang Q et al. Roles and Molecular Mechanisms of Physical Exercise in Cancer Prevention and Treatment. Journal of Sport and Health Science . March 2021.
    9. Zyzniewska-Banaszak E et al. Physiotherapy and Physical Activity as Factors Improving the Psychological State of Patients With Cancer. Frontiers in Psychiatry . November 22, 2021.
    10. Facts About Lung Cancer. Lung Cancer Research Foundation.
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