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    Caught Ovgard: Redear in Time: Part 2-of-2

    By Luke Ovgard For Pamplin Media Group,

    15 days ago

    Author’s Note: The first part of this two-part story published in last week’s Outdoors section. Pick up a print copy or read the first part online.

    MONMOUTH, Ore.— Level Four: Final Destination

    This time I found it. At least, I thought. The signage clearly indicated I was at E.E. Wilson Pond, but the trees were thicker than an Instagram model, and the paths leading there didn't seem to be well-signed.

    The parking lot stated a warning, though:


    Park Closes at Dusk.

    No Overnight Parking.

    Unauthorized Vehicles Will Be Towed."

    Well, this moved up my timeline. I couldn't fish until dark. No, I now had to be back out of the dungeon with my fish caught before dark or risk being towed and earning the GAME OVER.


    I loaded my gear, pulled up the World Map, and quickly worked my way through the maze, avoiding bees, snakes, cyclists, and other monsters lurking in the dungeon ahead. I could outrun them all, though it drained my stamina, but I was in an all-out race.

    If I was caught, it was GAME OVER, and I wasn't going to let that happen.

    Time passed, and eventually I found a long wooden bridge through the woods. It felt like a trap, but I stepped onto it.

    Halfway across the bridge, a pair of cyclists spawned and tried to knock me off. I stood firm, and they passed on both sides of me, further dropping my health, as I twisted my ankle to avoid them on the blind corner.

    Fearing they'd return, I hurried to the end of the bridge.

    Just then, an old man appeared from around the next blind corner, the rhythmic treble from his too-loud headphones serving to tell me he was essential to my quest.

    I asked him where the pond was, unsure if he was there as a sage to guide me or as another boss.

    The former proved true, and he directed me, telling me I was close, but "You won't have much time to fish. It's almost dark."

    He wasn't wrong. This quest was do or die.

    I ran through the woods, avoiding the buzzing of bees in the distance.

    Finally, I made it to what appeared to be an earthen dike. This had to be the pond. Unfortunately, a final obstacle kept me from the water: mud.

    *Ticking gets louder.*

    It was a relatively steep slope up, and it was thick, sucking mud. The Shoes of Nike would prove necessary when I ran back to the car after (hopefully) catching my Redear, as they provided +3 Speed, a boost I would need on the run back.

    Barefoot, I looked over the rim of the dike to see a weed-choked pond.

    I'd made it.

    Apparently I hadn't heard the time speed up again, and in my twisting and turning through the maze, the dead-ends, and the false ponds, I hadn't realized the two-mile-long walk/run had cost me.

    Time Left Until Dark: 0:58:19.

    Level Five: Boss Battle

    It was time. Everything I'd worked towards was about to come to fruition. It was do or die.

    I consulted my Journal to read what little information I'd gathered on this quest about the Redear:

    "The Redear is one of the largest species of sunfish," it read, "but it can be one of the most difficult to catch."


    I threw out one pole with a bait rig and fished a small jig with the other, aware that dividing my attention could cause the boss to defeat me.

    As is always the case, I battled Bluegill and Brown Bullhead, smaller monsters sent by the Final Boss to distract me.

    *Ticking gets louder.*

    Time Left Until Dark: 0:30:00.

    Then, my bait pole got a good tug, and the fight was on. It ran left, then right. We did battle, but I was so determined, so motivated, I let it dance before finally pulling it in.

    I assumed it was another Bluegill until the telltale red strip on the gill plate told me otherwise. I'd done it. I'd caught the Redear and just in time! At least, I would be close.

    I had just under 19 minutes left. It would be a battle.

    Cleaning off my feet in the dirty water, I slipped back into the Shoes of Nike, buttoned up my gear and prepared for a race to the finish.

    *Ticking gets louder.*

    At this point, I had less than 15 minutes left, and I wasn't quite sure where to go. I'd snaked in and out covered almost every possible trail because the individual pathways through the dungeon hadn't shown up on my World Map.

    I'd have to wing it and hope for the most direct route.

    I heard the mocking, maniacal laughter of Andross and Gannon, Bowser and Tartarus, the Elusive Man and Sephiroth all coalescing into one evil presence just on my heels as I ran for all I was worth.

    *Ticking gets louder.*

    At 10 minutes, I hit a dead end and had to regroup.

    I tripped and landed on a rod, breaking off an eyelet, but the rod remained intact.

    It was almost pitch black now, and I didn't think I would make it. I couldn't run with my Flashlight up because I'd opted not to buy the Headlamp at the Shop earlier in the game. How I regretted that.

    *Ticking gets louder.*

    Five minutes to go. I was out of breath, so I stopped to check the World Map one more time. I was close. Very close, but a thicket of trees separated me from my car. I cut through some trees, hoping I wouldn't get poison oak, and I again found myself at the Bridge of Destiny.

    This was it. I knew I was close because despite having found this after lots of aimless wandering, I was only one turn and a straight stretch from the parking lot.

    I booked it.

    *Ticking gets so loud, you can't hear your own thoughts.*

    I arrived at the car soaked in sweat, just to see an idling Fish and Wildlife vehicle waiting for my car to leave. I quickly loaded my gear, and the truck drove off, content that I was leaving.

    As my tires hit the pavement, I looked at my phone.

    Time Left Until Dark: 0:00:11.

    The credits rolled upwards on my HUD as I tallied Species #74 — Redear Sunfish. This was a hard game, and replay value seemed to be minimal, so I decided to move onto another game, a shooter: Yellow Bullhead Flats.


    On April 18, Fishing Across America celebrated one year in print with the launch of the new audiobook version, available now on Audible! Prefer traditional books? Fishing Across America is still available as an ebook, paperback or hardcover on Amazon and in bookstores near you. Read more for free at; Follow on Instagram and Fishbrain @lukeovgard; Contact Thank you for your continued support of local journalism.

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