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    Death threats and legal action: The price of standing up for children

    By Rebecca Friedrichs and Roger Ruvolo,

    12 days ago

    Ideologues pushing perversion, racism, and class warfare in public schools generate national outrage. But their cruelty is granular and personal: children butchered or drugged, teachers silenced or bullied into quitting.

    How about an unwoke school board member ? Cruelty on an outrageous scale.

    Death threats. We’re going to kill you and dismember you. And your family, we’re going to kill them, too. And here are descriptions of all the pets in your house. They, too, are going to be killed and cut up.

    This is what befell Sonja Shaw, a mother who raised two children at home until she saw what was going on in the Chino, California, schools and tried to do something about it.

    Shaw won a Chino Valley Unified School District board seat a couple of years back. Shaw now lives with death threats, loud, obscenity-filled tirades, and activists flipping obscene hand gestures at her during board meetings. This behavior has been inspired and orchestrated by teachers unions.

    Why? Oh, a little difference in worldview, that’s all. The union and the legislators they enlist are pushing a hard-left curriculum in California schools.

    Shaw, a majority of the board she leads, parents, and teachers in the district don’t like a policy imposed by the state government that requires teachers to lie if a parent asks about a child’s gender status. That is to say, while government employees working in schools attempt to persuade children to change genders, parents at home are unaware of what’s going on with their own children. And they will not get the truth from the school.

    It’s for the child’s “safety” and because our schools are “welcoming,” say the slick sophists of Sacramento — sometimes referred to as lawmakers.

    So the Chino Valley board passed a local rule prohibiting lying by school employees if a parent asks about a child’s gender status or other personal health issues. This isn’t radical: Parents’ groups, good teachers, and school boards all over the country are coming to realize they’ve been had by unions and their woke agenda, and innumerable ones are standing up for parental notification.

    But defending families sparked the death threats . Other threats poured in, including one from antifa, the group responsible for extensive urban damage in the past several years.

    Yet not a lot of cluck-clucking about people’s safety from the sanctimonious activists making the public schools safe for pedophiles and bullies while congratulating themselves for looking after children’s “safety.”

    Instead, the hectoring increased. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) sent his union-championed superintendent of public instruction, Tony Thurmond, to lambaste the board. Thurmond got the same time to speak as everybody else and then was sent to his seat by Shaw. Thurmond persisted, and Shaw shut him down, explaining that the power brokers from Sacramento do not get special treatment over parents and taxpayers in Chino Valley.

    Since Shaw and her community refused to cave to the political bullying, Newsom’s radical leftist, union-darling attorney general, Rob Bonta, opened a “civil rights investigation” and vowed to sue the district. This is part of Bonta’s legal campaign to demonize and harass not just Chino, but several California school districts (Rocklin, Orange, Temecula, and Murrieta) where parents, teachers, and school board members are bridling at the idiotic actions the state’s union-owned politicians are pulling.

    Even Facebook lowered its big guns on Shaw, linking her to child sexual abuse in a note to users who searched her name. Facebook completely agrees: You are required by law to lie and to leave children vulnerable to predators, even if it goes against your Christian faith. (Even if you don’t have Christian faith, you probably know lying is wrong and innocent children should be protected.)

    Essentially, teachers have a choice: Keep your faith and lose your job, or lose your faith and keep your job. This is why so many good teachers keep their mouths shut and close their eyes to the abuse breaking out all around them. Most are totally unaware that their unions are the ones championing the anti-child policies.


    A lot more Sonja Shaws need to spring up in this country. Teachers’ souls are being destroyed by politicians and their union overlords, who are pushing extremism on children and using our tax-funded schools to dismantle our nation.

    The threats and accusations are business as usual for these figures. It remains for teachers and schools to break free from the grip of unions and for voters to see the political perpetrators more plainly and vote accordingly.

    Rebecca Friedrichs is the founder of For Kids and Country , the author of Standing Up to Goliath , and a 28-year public school teacher who was the lead plaintiff in Friedrichs v. CTA. Roger Ruvolo is a longtime newspaper editor and a contributor to For Kids & Country .

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