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  • Heather Jauquet

    E&A Dwellings: Dedicated to effortless organization and authentic design for you


    Want to feel less stressed? Hire an organizational home decor team to help you
    Organized linen closet by E&A DwellingsRachelle DeRamos and Farrah Short from E&A Dwellings/Used with permission

    Effortless organization and Authentic design is the mantra behind the organizational gurus E&A Dwellings based in Montgomery County, Maryland. As a mom of four who is constantly on the run with my kids’ extracurricular activities, I am always looking for a way to minimize the stress of keeping my house tidy and making it out the door on time every day. I found it with the help of Rachelle DeRamos and Farrah Short, the founders and organizers of E&A Dwellings.

    We all have the one spot in our house that becomes the catchall for miscellaneous stuff. It might be the junk drawer, the kitchen counter, or maybe we have that one room in the house that becomes the dumping ground for everything from wrapping paper to unused toys. Admit it; we all have it.

    Mine happens to be the kitchen counter. It is where my children charge their school-issued chrome books, where the mail gets dropped off when we bring it in, and it is a magnet for every piece of paper that comes from my children’s schools. My counter was causing me daily stress. I couldn’t find what I was looking for, and my children never had fully charged chrome books for school, causing us to be late and unable to find the things we needed quickly before walking out the door in the morning.

    After a lot of hesitation and embarrassment that I could not figure out an organization system that worked for my family, l finally called in for reinforcements. I am good at many things, but organization is not one of them. Then I met the organizational geniuses behind E&A Dwellings, who changed my life for the better.
    Organized drawer by E&A DwellingsHeather Jauquet/Author

    After a free consultation and project proposal, I knew that they would be able to help me. Of course, it helped that they reiterated that it was a judgment-free zone and that everyone has their strengths. Theirs happens to be finding the right organization system and creating efficient and authentic personalized spaces for their clients.

    What happens during a consult?

    I have to admit the hardest part was contacting them and letting go of the idea that I could do it on my own. But let’s be honest, after years of failed systems, I needed an expert to come and show me the best way to handle the flow of papers and stuff that come to my house. And true to their word, there was no judgment as E&A Dwellings looked at my overflowing piles and draws filled with detritus of family life.

    Our mission at E&A Dwellings is to create and enhance spaces for individuals and families that are reflective of their lifestyles and personalities—Rachelle DeRamos and Farrah Short, Owners of E&A Dwellings

    Farrah and Rachelle will come to a client’s home and analyze the space by looking at available shelving and open drawers and doors to get a feel for the room's flow. Then they ask the client questions about the purpose of the space and what they want to happen.
    Cookbooks and craft supplies clearly labeled and organizedHeather Jauquet/Author

    Many clients know what they want to do with the space but don’t know how to execute their plan. That is where E&A Dwellings steps in and makes the space unique to the client, whether it’s a home office, a functional playroom, or a cleared-off counter with a place for everything and everything in its place. In addition, they help their clients find a work-life-home balance so that they can spend more time enjoying their day instead of feeling stressed by the clutter.

    The hardest part?

    For me, the hardest part was making the phone call. But once I made the appointment, I was relieved that someone would be able to help. Next, I had to determine what to keep and throw away. Farrah and Rachelle made it easy for me by asking me to group my draws and papers by category. I admit I had a hard time figuring out what categories I needed, but with a bit of help and a nudge in the right direction, I was able to sort my things. Even better, I could throw out the things I didn’t need. Now, my counter is clutter-free, my kids have a dedicated charging station, and we aren’t rifling through our drawers looking for a pair of scissors, a hairband, or the paper that I needed to sign and send back to school. Everything is in its place, and the daily struggle to find things has dissipated.

    Women-owned, locally run small business
    Rachelle DeRamos and Farrah Short, the team behind E&A DwellingsRachelle DeRamos and Farrah Short/E&A Dwellings/Used with permission

    E&A Dwellings was officially launched on International Women’s Day 2021 and just celebrated its one-year anniversary. You can find them on Facebook, Instagram, and their website.

    Rachelle credits her mother as the inspiration and original master of having everything in its place. Farrah says her grandmother fostered her love of organization, allowing her to spend hours organizing her baking supplies whenever she visited as a child. She laughs, recalling that her grandmother probably purposely gave her the project because she loved spending hours finding the best way to organize the baking supplies for easy access and use.

    On every project, we strive to create streamlined, functional spaces that are beautiful reflections of our clients' authentic selves.—Rachelle DeRamos and Farrah Short, Owners of E&A Dwellings

    So what are you waiting for? Give them a call for their no-judgment consultation. You’ll be happy you did. By making that phone call, you have given your family the gift of time and stress-free living. What better gift is that? Let me know how it goes.

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