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Waunakee Tribune

Waunakee Knights of Columbus benefit set for avid volunteer


14 days ago

At most Waunakee festivals, Dennis Hampton is usually around, helping out in any way he can, setting up, serving food and cleaning up.

He had been an active Knights of Columbus member until about a year ago, when his life took an unexpected turn, putting a damper on his activities.

After experiencing sharp pain in his legs, Hampton was diagnosed with a massive blood clot just below the knee. To keep the clot from spreading to the rest of his body, Hampton’s leg had to be amputated just above the knee.

If a silver lining could be found, it was the discovery and removal of a similar clot in his right leg that saved it.

The life-changing experience required a great deal of rehab, then learning to use his prosthetic leg to get around. Fortunately, Hampton had close, caring friends in his fellow Knights of Columbus members.

“They have been so wonderful in helping me and my sister,” he said, adding they helped with yard work and mowing last summer, tended to the garden, provided transportation and built a ramp from the sidewalk to the house.

“That was a wonderful gift they gave to me,” he said.

While Hampton has been retired for the past five and half years, he just became eligible for Medicare he said, and the surgeries, followed by rehab and modifications to the home, were costly.

“There were a lot of deductibles that had to be met, and the insurance only paid so much. Those bills do add up,” Hampton said.

Again, Hampton’s fellow Knights are stepping in to lend a hand, and rallying the Waunakee community to join them.

On May 11, they are planning a fundraiser at Saint John's School, 114 E. Third St., to help with the costs. From 5-8 p.m., the Knights will grill up burgers and brats, offer beverages and sides, and host games and 50-50 raffles for the fundraiser.

Hampton said he is recovering well, able to drive and return to the volunteer work he loves so much. He plans to start off the season at Saint John’s parish festival, helping with the dinner Saturday night and the food tent. In July, he’ll help out at the KC’s food stand, and then in September, at Wauktoberfest, where the KC’s and the Lions Club have a food stand.

He said he especially enjoys the volunteer work now that he’s retired.

“I have met so many wonderful people in the community. It’s my way of giving back,” he said. “I think Waunakee is very special in that there are many like-minded people that take pride in their community and really want to give back.”

Those who haven’t seen Hampton in a while will have a chance to catch up with him at the fundraiser, too. He plans to attend as the guest of honor and is looking forward to it.

“Just to be out in the community and see a lot of people I know or should know,” he said. “It seems like they’ve got a lot of fun games planned.”

Anyone unable to attend in person can mail a donation by check, with Dennis Hampton in the memo line, to Columbus at P.O. Box 322, Waunakee. Or, to donate online, visit

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