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  • Venice Gondolier

    An Aries, artist Claire Jenkins loves creating with fire

    By ED SCOTT Staff Writer,

    13 days ago

    Artist Claire Jenkins works the most with pottery, but she is most inspired by the human form.

    Her favorite media are welding and oil painting.

    Jenkins was born and raised in Peoria, Ill. She moved to Fort Myers at age 20 and now lives in Port Charlotte.

    “I have been welding for about three years now, and oil painting for about two years, she said. “Welding is a lot of fun because I can create awesome, larger scale sculptures … and I get to use fire of course! I’m an Aries— of course I love creating art with fire.

    “I became addicted to oil painting during my studies in Florence, Italy. I love the way oil blends colors together, creating beautiful shades and tones. However, most of my studies in college focused on creating plaster sculptures. By continuing to explore and refine my skills in pottery, welding, plaster casting, and oil painting, I am creating a dynamic artistic practice that reflects my diverse interests, experiences and creative vision.”

    Jenkins attended Florida Gulf Coast University and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in art with a minor in business management. She shared how she became involved in art, where she gets her ideas and what she considers the value of art centers. This Q & A has been edited for clarity and brevity.

    How did you get involved in creating art?

    I suppose I truly became interested in creating art around 10 years old when my childhood art teacher, Mrs. Donna Palkovic, noticed my talent and how much I enjoyed creating art. Throughout high school I was always enrolled in at least one art course. My ceramics teacher in high school, Ms. Jane Kuban, nurtured my love of art and pushed me to keep creating and putting my art into the world. After I obtained my Associate of Arts degree I decided to pursue art long term and obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree in Art. Throughout college, three amazing professors — Mary Voytek, Patricia Fay, and Jake Hand — acted as teachers and mentors, which led me to become the artist I am today.

    Where do you get your ideas for the art you create?

    My ideas for the art I create come from human nature. I love exploring the human form and how we feel and express our emotions. It is a powerful concept that has been explored in various art forms throughout history. Body language, facial expressions, gesture and movement, color, and environment are all elements of conveying emotion. I gathered many new ideas regarding the human form in art while studying the vast collection of art in Florence, Italy.

    Why art and not some other craft or hobby? Any other passions?

    Art is a way we can express ourselves. It is subjective and can be interpreted in many ways by each person who views it. It serves as a means of self-expression, allowing individuals to convey their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a unique and personal way. Art encourages us to embrace diversity, appreciate different perspectives, and engage with the world in meaningful and thought-provoking ways.

    What are your favorite things (objects, people, animals etc.) to work with? Explain.

    My favorite idea to work with is the human form. However, when I am working on pottery, I like to explore different colors that accent the shape I am working with. Choosing the right glaze provides the piece with the color and personality it needs. I explore glazes and colors to accentuate the shape of each piece, which can create a truly captivating piece of art.

    What do your customers like to buy? Explain.

    My customers like to buy mugs, bowls and vases. These seem to be most popular, as they are versatile items that can serve as both practical everyday objects and decorative accents in a home.

    You teach at the Venice Art Center. What about Venice inspires your art?

    Venice is a beautiful town located on a gorgeous gulf beach. The community’s passion for the arts enriches the culture of Venice and ensures that creativity continues to thrive. The Venice community is full of artistic individuals who support the arts and continue making Venice the beautiful, vibrant community it is.

    How important is the Venice Art Center to artists like yourself?

    The Venice Art Center is a special place that fosters creativity, community and a sense of belonging for artists of all backgrounds and skill levels. It is a place where anyone is welcome. The wonderful people who work at the Venice Art Center make it a place where artists feel valued, inspired, and empowered to continue their creative journeys with passion and enthusiasm. It is a place where artists feel at home, which is important in each of our creative journeys as artists.

    Writing is essential to calming my stress. What impact does your art have on your state of mind?

    Art is therapeutic. It is an outlet for expressing and releasing emotions. Immersing myself in the creative process is a form of mindfulness, helping me to reduce stress and promote relaxation, while also empowering me. It creates a sense of control over my creative expression, and I am absorbed in the present moment because the piece I am creating is made by me and only me. I feel a sense of connection when I am creating art, as it promotes self-discovery and personal growth.

    Is there a style of art you have never worked with that you desire to use or an object or place that you desire to replicate that has thus far eluded you? Please explain.

    I enjoy painting hands and other parts of the human figure. Ever since studying oil painting in Florence, I have strived to depict the artistic essence of Florence, particularly focusing on hands and other parts of the human figure. Florence is rich in art history, and especially the human form in art. Florence has long been a center of artistic excellence, renowned for its contributions to the Renaissance movement and its emphasis on naturalism in figurative art. I continue to explore the city’s cultural landscape. By doing this, I can pay homage to the rich artistic traditions of the past while creating something unique to myself.

    For more information about Claire Jenkins, send an email message to

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