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  • The Fresno Bee

    Endangered Species Act must be revised to reduce wildfire threats in forests | Opinion

    By Robert Longatti,

    15 days ago

    The Sierra National Forest, along with Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, are jewels of the American wilderness, attracting millions of visitors each year with their stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife and unparalleled beauty.

    However, the management of these cherished lands has been mired in a complex web of regulations and legal battles, often driven by well-intentioned but misguided efforts to protect endangered species. It’s time to address this issue by amending the Endangered Species Act to prevent litigious groups from unnecessarily delaying or canceling vital forest management plans.

    The Endangered Species Act, enacted in 1973, was designed to protect and recover species at the risk of extinction. While this noble goal is widely supported, the current application of the ac t has led to unintended consequences. As an example, the act has become a tool for certain interest groups to stymie essential well planned forest management efforts throughout the West, threatening not only the health of these ecosystems but also the safety of the surrounding communities.

    Citizens for Sensible Forest Management , a nonpartisan citizens group formed during the Creek Fire, has partnered with the Property and Environment Research Center of Montana. Research conducted by PERC sheds light on the need for amending the ESA in the context of forest management. PERC’s work highlights how the act’s implementation has frequently obstructed responsible forest practices that are essential for maintaining ecological health, reducing wildfire risk and safeguarding human communities.


    Forest fires have become a growing concern in recent years, with devastating consequences for both nature and people. Climate change, coupled with prolonged periods of fire suppression and increased fuel loads in forests, has led to larger and more intense wildfires.

    Effective forest management is critical to mitigate these risks. Yet, delays and cancellations resulting from ESA-related litigation have hamstrung the ability of agencies to implement necessary controlled burns, thinning and other preventative measures.

    By reforming the ESA, we can strike a better balance between conservation efforts and responsible forest management.

    First and foremost, we should expedite the process for reviewing forest management plans, allowing for greater flexibility in addressing endangered species concerns while minimizing delays. Additionally, we should implement clearer guidelines for the consideration of economic and social impacts when deciding whether to halt or modify forest management activities.

    It is essential to clarify that this reform does not advocate for the wholesale abandonment of environmental safeguards. Rather, it seeks to streamline the process and provide regulatory agencies with the tools needed to make informed decisions that prioritize both species protection and the well-being of local communities.

    While ecological organizations play a crucial role in protecting endangered species, it is vital that their actions do not inadvertently hinder responsible land management. By amending the Endangered Species Act, we can create a more balanced and effective framework that addresses the critical ecological and safety concerns facing countless natural areas across the country.

    We must act now to strike the right balance, and the research conducted by PERC underscores the urgency.

    Robert Longatti lives in Madera County and is a co-founder of Citizens for Sensible Forest Management.
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