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    Trends in senior living spaces in 2024 and beyond

    By Glenn Ebersole,

    24 days ago

    Baby Boomers, who began turning 65 in 2011, will be at least that age by 2030. One in six people in the U.S. is 65 or older today. The Baby Boomer age group has grown almost five times faster than the total population over the past century. Americans have been living increasingly longer for decades, despite recent declines in life expectancy.

    Demand for senior living options continues to grow and architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry professionals are reimagining these spaces to prioritize comfort, safety and autonomy for residents. Senior living design trends in 2024 are undergoing profound transformations, reflecting changing demographics, technology advancements and evolving attitudes towards aging.

    There is more technology deployed, more caring about health, being kindness shown to the environment, and more creative and special ways to take care of each person. What happens in 2024 and beyond is important. The way they will live in the future might be safer and more thoughtful, especially in how they get help and stay healthy. The key is making places that are better and safer for the elderly, and taking care of their needs in a smarter way.

    Here are some of the key trends shaping the design of senior living spaces in 2024 and beyond.

    Universal design principles increasingly are being integrated into the designs of senior living spaces. This approach emphasizes creating spaces that are accessible and usable by people of all ages and abilities. Wider doorways, grab bars in bathrooms, non-slip flooring, and lever-style door handles enhance accessibility without compromising on aesthetics. Senior living spaces can accommodate residents with varying mobility levels, promoting independence and dignity.

    Aging in place with smart technology is becoming a big trend that uses technology so seniors can stay in their own familiar homes. They like staying where they are used to and being around the people and places they know. They feel safer and more comfy compared to moving somewhere new. Surveys show that most Americans over 50 want to stay in their homes forever. Many of them are unsure if it is doable and that is why there is a lot of attention being given to helping older adults stay in their own homes.

    Senior housing places are starting to care about making sure everyone is healthy and feeling good overall. This change is growing and is expected to be even more important from 2024 onwards. These communities are now all about wellness with gyms, programs to eat better, help with mental health, and lots of fun activities to do together. The main goal is to increase quality of life for older adults by taking care of their bodies, minds, and social lives all at once.

    Sustainability and environmental friendliness are focuses in senior living places. Senior housing is being built using materials and methods that save energy, like using solar panels and appliances that are not big energy users. They are also incorporating lots of plants and nature to help the Earth and are also trying hard to produce less trash. They are doing things like recycling items, turning food scraps into useful stuff, and using less plastic that gets thrown away.

    The benefits go beyond being good for the planet. It is making life better for the people living there because people feel cozier and do not spend as much on their energy bills. Nature areas make them feel calm and happy, making their minds feel good too.

    Customized care models are another big trend that is all about making things extremely personalized for people’s well-being. These new ways of caring focus on what each person needs and prefers. Plans are created that are specifically tailored to fit every individual, considering everything that makes them unique, like their health conditions and what they like.

    What is interesting is that they use high-technology like artificial intelligence and data crunching to figure out the best way to care for each person. It is like having a plan that is being prescribed just for each individual.

    Intergenerational living is about bringing together older adults and younger generations, and it is set to become even more common in the years ahead. Places, where the older live, are teaming up with schools and places where kids hang out to make it easy for the older kids to spend time together. Older people get to feel connected and have a real sense of meaning by spending time with the younger ones.

    The intergenerational interactions are more than fun. It is awesome for the kids because they get to learn from the older people and make cool friendships. This trend is all about making sure everyone feels like they belong and have something special to share.

    The shift to remote work, pushed forward by the COVID-19 pandemic, continues to make a big impact on how older adults choose where to live. After 2024, some seniors might decide to move into special communities but keep working from home. It is a flexible way to live by keeping their jobs and staying connected with people while also enjoying the perks and help that these senior communities offer.

    Facility owners and developers are embracing the trend of adaptive reuse due to high costs of land and construction and high interest rates amid ongoing inflationary pressures. Empty or underused office buildings. The current economic conditions are creating an increase in creative solutions through adaptive reuse of existing buildings.

    Closing Thought

    The way older people will live in the future seems to be gravitating toward more varied and flexible ways. Older adults might want communities that offer different types of care while making sure they are safe. Living together in different ways and mixing young and old people might become more popular.

    “The best senior living spaces are those that foster independence, promote social interaction, and prioritize safety and comfort." Unknown


    Glenn Ebersole is a registered professional engineer andBusiness Development Manager at PM Design Group, a nationally licensed A&E firm in WestChester, PA, with 14 offices across the U.S. He can be contacted at or 717-575-8572.


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