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  • The Tillamook Headlight Herald

    Movement as Medicine: Move well, live better

    By Laura Warf,

    17 days ago

    Spring beckons us outdoors with its promise of longer days and milder weather, offering a refreshing invitation to rejuvenate our lives through movement. Yet, for many, chronic joint pain affecting knees, hips, backs, or shoulders casts a shadow over the joy of an active lifestyle. If you’re navigating the discomforts of chronic pain or aspiring to recover from orthopedic surgery, consider the transformative power of corrective movement, your natural remedy to reclaim health and vitality.

    Understanding the Role of Movement

    Chronic joint pain is often related to our posture. How we sit, stand and move matters. The human body is designed for motion. Imagine your body as an intricate machine, where every gear works in harmony to keep it running smoothly. Yet, when one gear misaligns, the entire system feels the strain. When imbalance strikes; be it a rounded shoulder, a rotated torso, or a foot turning inward or outward, our body’s mechanics falter, leading to discomfort and pain. A lack of movement in one joint will steal from the neighboring joint, hence a dysfunctional hip may lead to a sore knee or an achy back.

    But what if movement could be your natural remedy, a medicine so potent yet so underutilized? Tailored posture therapy and fitness conditioning designed for your needs and abilities, can transform your health, alleviate pain, and significantly enhance your quality of life.

    The Science Behind Movement as Medicine

    Physical activity, often underestimated, wields the power to mend and fortify our bodies. It’s a cornerstone of health, vital for maintaining muscle strength, flexibility, and balance, alongside benefiting heart health and circulation. The mantra “move more and sit less” from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention isn’t just advice; it’s a prescription for a vibrant, resilient life. Movement stands on par with medicine for its capacity to ward off chronic diseases, uplift mental health, and invigorate our daily existence. Just 25 minutes of moderate daily activity can counteract the downsides of prolonged sitting, showcasing the profound impact of regular exercise on our well-being.

    The Pillars of Corrective Exercise

    Our bodies, boasting over 600 muscles, are designed for movement. Yet, sedentary lifestyles and improper movement can lead to muscle imbalances, misaligned joints, pain, and all kinds of dysfunction ranging from the quality of our sleep to how well we digest our food. Corrective exercises emerge as a targeted strategy not only for rehabilitation but for integrating healthy movement into daily life. Everyone can benefit; from a desk jockey sitting in front of a screen all day, people who perform repetitive movement patterns at work, to the elite athlete perfecting their skills daily. Posture correction exercises can help pave the path toward a straighter, stronger, and pain-free existence.

    The Journey of Healing: James’s Story

    Meet James, whose severe hip pain side tracked his love for skiing and beach walks. His interests rest in enjoying his retirement; spending time with his wife, his adult children and young grandchildren and maintaining an active lifestyle. Resolute in his desire to heal naturally and keep his original joints intact, James embarked on a tailored corrective exercise program focused on restoring muscular balance and improving joint mobility. Despite the hurdles of posture deviations and muscle imbalances, James’s is dedicated to restoring his health. In just two months, he stands taller, moves with greater balance, and appreciates life with extended periods free from the intense pain. With a committed mindset, he pursued getting into better shape with a new daily routine.

    3 Key Steps to Embarking on Your Movement Journey

    1. Build Your Foundation:

    Begin with exercises that enhance body balance and posture. Before choosing exercises, look at yourself in a full length mirror with the intention of noticing your posture. Pay attention to what appears to be different on the right side and left side of your body.

    2. Stand Taller and Stronger

    The good news is, we can correct postural imbalances with tailored and simple at-home exercises. Activate the stabilizing muscles of your hips, spine, and shoulders to lay the groundwork for success. Try a simple, yet not-so-easy exercise called “standing at the wall pose”. Find an empty wall space, with your back against the wall, touch your heels against the wall with your feet pointed straight ahead, notice if both buttocks touch the wall evenly, do both shoulder blades make contact with the wall in the same way? Stay there for a few minutes and notice what begins to change in your body.

    3. Tailor Your Routine

    Adapt your exercise regimen to fit your unique physical condition, embracing a pace that ensures safety and enjoyment. Remember, progression is personal. Ask yourself, why would I do this exercise? How will it help me? Align your movement program with your personal goals; to relieve pain, to be able to walk better, to enjoy a fun run or a bike ride, play a game of pickleball, pick up your grandchild, feel stronger, improve bone health, or perform better in your favorite sport. Each goal has its unique plan and pathway.

    Your Path Forward

    Inspired by stories like James’s and the undeniable benefits of movement, consider this your invitation to be your best. Movement, in its myriad forms, stands as the most accessible, side-effect-free medicine at our disposal. Embrace it as your daily dose of wellness, choosing to move well to live better. May we celebrate a life filled with greater health, happiness, and vitality.

    Laura Warf is a Posture Therapist, Functional Movement Specialist, Yoga Teacher, Personal Trainer, Empowerment Coach and Co-founder of Mend Loft in Cannon Beach. For more information, she can be reached at

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