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WAOK News Talk

Brian Whiteside: A Visionary Leader for Gwinnett County Sheriff

By Chris SmithPeople Passion And Politics With Robert Patillo,

17 days ago

In a recent interview on " People, Passion & Politics, " listeners were introduced to a dedicated candidate running for Gwinnett County Sheriff, Brian Whiteside , With over 25 years of legal experience and 15 years as a police officer, Mr. Whiteside brings a wealth of knowledge and a commitment to community well-being to the table.

During the interview, Mr. Whiteside highlighted his background as a police officer in Gary, Indiana, where he quickly rose through the ranks to become a detective focused on preventing crime. This dedication to prevention remains a cornerstone of his platform for Sheriff, as he believes in the power of clear consequences and proactive measures to keep communities safe.

Mr. Whiteside emphasized the importance of conducting statistical studies to identify areas with high crime rates and implementing targeted strategies to address the root causes of criminal activity. He shared success stories from his time as Solicitor General of Gwinnett County, where he worked with local businesses like Walmart to reduce crime rates by up to 40% through collaborative efforts with law enforcement agencies.

One of Mr. Whiteside's key initiatives is improving educational opportunities for children in Gwinnett County, recognizing that literacy is essential for future success and crime prevention. He proposed establishing brick-and-mortar facilities with internet access to support students' learning and ensure they have the skills needed to secure employment.

Throughout the interview, Mr. Whiteside's passion for serving his community and his innovative approach to combating crime and promoting education shone through. He expressed a strong desire to work with parents, teachers, and law enforcement to create a safe and thriving Gwinnett County for all residents.

As the interview came to a close, Mr. Whiteside shared how interested individuals could connect with him here and reiterated his platform of preventing crime and supporting youth through educational programs.

To listen to the full interview, click the link above.

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