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  • Daingerfield Bee

    When I can’t breathe!

    By Pam Kumpe,


    In the heart of East Texas where I live, where the pine trees whisper secrets about what could have been and the sun casts a golden hue, I encountered a homeless man whose untold story of loss tugged at my heart. His eyes reflected a deepness of sorrow and loss as he shared with me in a moment of vulnerability, “I can’t breathe today; I stopped living when he died.”

    Curious and concerned, I pressed gently, seeking to understand the source of his pain. “ When who died?” I asked, stepping closer, a silent gesture of my willingness to share his burden. With a voice barely above a whisper, he confided, “My Son.” The simplicity of his words carried the depth of his grief, a wound so profound that even speaking of it seemed to reopen the scars of his heart.

    He clung to his bicycle, an anchor in a sea of uncertainty, as he admitted, “I don’t talk of it.” His words were a shield against the pain of recollection. Yet, in that moment of guarded vulnerability, I offered to pray with and stand beside him in his pain. He hesitated, almost as if he might say yes to my praying, then declined, pedaling away into the distance, leaving a void filled with unspoken sorrow and unanswered prayers.

    This brief encounter lingered in my mind, a poignant reminder of the invisible battles fought daily by many around us. Our streets are filled with stories of loss, despair, and the silent cries for help that often go unnoticed. Yet, in these moments, the true essence of our faith is tested and revealed. And many are weeping at the idea of never hearing a loved one’s voice again.

    As Christians, we are called to be the light in the darkness, to offer hope amid despair. The Gospel teaches us to bear one another’s burdens and show love and compassion to all, especially those suffering in silence. It reminds us that even in our deepest pain, we are never alone; God’s presence is a constant source of comfort and strength.

    Yet, how often do we walk past those in need, caught up in our own lives, oblivious to the suffering of others? This encounter was a stark reminder that our mission is not just within the walls of our churches but out on the streets, in the everyday interactions where we have the opportunity to be a beacon of hope and love.

    As we navigate the complexities of life, with its inevitable sorrows and joys, let us remember the power of a kind word, a listening ear, and a heartfelt prayer. These simple acts of kindness can be a lifeline to those who feel lost in the storm of life.

    For anyone feeling overwhelmed by the trials of life, remember that Christ is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). In Him, we find the peace and hope necessary to face each day with courage and faith.

    We can make a difference, one life at a time, guiding each other towards a future filled with hope and healing.

    As I think of the man on the bike, I am reminded of a powerful scripture that speaks to the heart of our faith and our call to serve others: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). This verse is a call to action, a reminder that our journey of faith is not a solitary one but a shared pilgrimage, where we support and uplift, and love one another, just as Christ loves us.

    Let this scripture inspire us to look beyond our needs and see the pain and struggle of those around us. May we be a source of comfort and hope to those suffering, showing them the love of Christ in our words and actions. Together, let’s be a beacon of God’s goodness and mercy, even amid our own suffering. And if you know someone who could use a silent prayer, don’t hesitate to lift them up to the Lord! He’s the arms that carry us all when our footsteps are anything but stable!

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