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    The Legendary USMC Sniper Who Hit 16 Enemy Combatants in 30 Seconds on a Pitch-Black Night

    By Damian Lucjan,


    In the realm of military achievements, certain service members earn accolades, garnering public admiration and commendations, with some even becoming the focal points of books or films. Chuck Mawhinney opted for a less conventional path. Serving as a sniper in the US Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, he crafted an extraordinary career for himself, deliberately concealing it from his family, friends and even his wife.

    Mawhinney's narrative remained shrouded in secrecy until it was brought to light by another individual, prompting him to not only confirm the account, but inadvertently reshape public perceptions regarding snipers.

    Chuck Mawhinney was a skilled shooter
    US Marines in South Vietnam, 1965. (Photo Credit: Bettmann / Getty Images)

    Charles "Chuck" Mawhinney, born in 1949 in Lakeview, Oregon, spent his formative years honing his hunting prowess alongside his Marine father, inheriting invaluable skills that would profoundly influence his future. Electing to pursue a career as a sniper , he completed high school in 1967 and enlisted in the US Marine Corps. In a departure from convention, he brokered a distinctive arrangement: deferring his training until after the conclusion of deer hunting season.

    Upon graduating from the Scout Sniper School at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in April 1968, Mawhinney swiftly found himself deployed to Vietnam .

    Sniper with the US Marine Corps
    US Marine sniper in Vietnam, 1968. (Photo Credit: USMC Archives / Wikimedia Commons CC BY 2.0)

    Embarking on his sniper journey with the US Marine Corps, Chuck Mawhinney began his tour as a rifleman with Lima Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, transferring to various battalions before landing with Delta Company.

    His pinnacle moment as a sniper unfolded near Da Nang on Valentine's Day 1969. In response to intelligence about a large North Vietnamese Army force, he volunteered to cover the river crossing with his spotter, unleashing an impressive 16 bullets in just 30 seconds, each a lethal headshot.

    "Every one of them was headshots, dead center," Mawhinney recounted .

    Chuck Mawhinney holds an impressive record
    Chuck Mawhinney's M40 on display at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia. (Photo Credit: Mark Pellegrin / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0)

    While Chuck Mawhinney may not hold the record for the most kills in Vietnam (that distinction belongs to US Army Staff Sgt. Adelbert Waldron ), his 103 confirmed kills and 216 probable ones establish him as the deadliest US Marine sniper in history.

    More remarkable than the sheer numbers is his extraordinary accuracy - over 16 months, he missed just once, a haunting memory he later shared , saying, "I can’t help thinking about how many people that he may have killed later, how many of my friends, how many Marines… That still bothers me."

    Keeping a secret
    North Vietnamese soldiers in Quang Binh Province, 1965. (Photo Credit: Sovfoto / Universal Images Group / Getty Images)

    Post-Vietnam War, Chuck Mawhinney briefly served as a marksmanship instructor at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, but struggled with nightmares. In particular, he was haunted by foxhole entrapments under heavy fire.

    Leaving the US Marine Corps in 1970 wound up having a positive impact on his mental health. Returning to Lakeview , he joined the US Forestry Service and married, all while guarding the secret of his service in Vietnam. This silence was broken by a fellow Marine who thrust Mawhinney into the spotlight, making his combat actions public.

    Revealing Chuck Mawhinney's secret
    Chuck Mawhinney. (Photo Credit: PFC Garrett White / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

    In 1991, Joseph T. Ward's book, Dear Mom: A Sniper’s Vietnam , featuring his and Chuck Mawhinney’s accounts, catapulted the US Marine Corps veteran into fame with credited with 101 kills, surpassing Carlos Hathcock 's record by eight.

    Initially resistant to his newfound notoriety, Mawhinney gradually embraced interviews and public appearances. Insights from these and the book, Sniper: The Untold Story of the Marine Corps' Greatest Marksman of All Time , shed light on his journey.

    Life in the public eye
    US Marines advancing toward enemy positions during Operation Lien Kit-4, near Chu Lai, Vietnam, 1967. (Photo Credit: Hulton Archive / Getty Images)

    Speaking at conventions and sniper training classes, Chuck Mawhinney imparted his veteran advice , saying, "I give them Chuck Mawhinney’s three rules of becoming a good sniper: Practice, practice and more practice."

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    Beyond shaping future snipers, Mawhinney seized the opportunity to challenge stereotypes, asserting that a proficient sniper, far from a bloodthirsty assassin, saves lives by undermining the enemy's will or ability to fight.

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