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  • Adventure Hermit Travel by Joe Trey

    Finding the Magic in Moments: Being Gracious During Ungracious Times


    Image thanks to Artist: @wanaktek at

    Congratulations, it's 2021! You made it! Now what. 

    For me, it all starts with Day 1. Last year, a good friend of mine, Mary Gaul, CEO of Success Magnified, gave me a holiday gift. The package's size and weight felt like to might contain a small box of chocolates, albeit a heavy one.

    I did not want to give in to temptation, so I did not unwrap the box for several days. When I did give in, I was elated to realize it was not chocolate. Temptation Crisis averted! Instead, I discovered it was a Daily Affirmations Calendar created by Louise Hay.

    Uh Oh, Self Help Around Corner

    Louise is a leader in the Self Help Movement. Her 1984 book, You Can Heal Your Life, went on to sell over 40 million copies, and it lists in the top 50 books of its kind. She passed away in her sleep in 2017 at the age of 90. Her work continues to influence and help people today.

    The Calendar was a kind and generous gift. But I admit, for a moment, I had flashbacks of SNL's Stewart Smalley. I envisioned myself brushing my teeth in the mirror. All the while reciting, "I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me!" Afterward, looking down to see my shirt covered in toothpaste. 

    I tore out each page for the previous days, one by one. Reviewing each day that I had missed. I realized that was stinking' thinkin', another Smalley'ism. While it's easy to make fun of self-help and affirmations. They can help us through some tough times.

    Seasonal Affective Disorder

    For example, Seasonal Affective Disorder or, SAD as it is known, affects 5% of US Adults and can last up to 40% of the year. For some, it can be mild. But in more severe cases, people are limited to enjoying only 60% of the year.

    Over the years, I have battled SAD. I have not always been a fan of winter. I like various outdoor activities. But many become limited or stopped during the snow and cold. I have learned to overcome it. Before I knew about SAD, I didn't have a way to confront my feelings.

    Once I understood where my feeling were coming from I could find soltuions. I discovered new ways to engage outside in winter, and lessen my seasonal feelings of sadness. Having a daily reminder of gratitude has helped.

    As I continued reading the affirmations, I reflected on each day that I had missed. Each one was eerily relevant to the days that had passed to date. I thought of another. At that moment, I decided to commit to reading one each day. When I more relevant and powerful affirmation came up, I would stick to my computer screen. 

    As the taped affirmation took over the edges of my screen, it became more challenging to get any work done. I then took to writing out the affirmations in a notebook. My choice to write them was two-fold. One was I didn't want the clutter of a book with hundreds of pieces of paper. Two, there was something powerful about writing out the words. 

    As the year went on, the messages became more and more helpful. Whether I needed grace for myself or the ability to give it to others. The right message came at the right time. Yes, it could have been mere coincidences, but I believe it was more than that.

    What you Need, When You Need It

    It reminded me of a quote by author Richard Bach. He is most known for his book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. But, this quote is from another book of his called  Illusions. In it, a so called "Messiah" suggests opening a book to any page without thinking. That page, he says, will contain the answer to whatever you seek. In the story, he is referring to the "Messiah's handbook." But, I have found over the years, wisdom hides in plain sight all the time.

    It could be a song that comes on the radio when you get in your car. Or some graffiti that you pass on a walk that reveals itself at the right time. That is a benefit of the daily affirmation calendar. 

    There is little doubt that 2020 has been an "interesting" year. I refuse to refer to it as a bad or difficult year. I have had worse. As I am confident, other people have as well. Approaching each day differently during quarantine created new and particular challenges.

    If we honestly reflect back on 2020, most of us didn't have it too bad. Our worse days were and still are better than many. Others face unthinkable hardships on a daily basis, even outside of COVID. That alone is worth taking a moment of gratitude over.

    Stock Image: Licensed with Permission from Envato Elements

    Throughout the year, I was tempted to peek ahead to December 31st's message. I wondered what it might say. I avoided the curiosity until the official day. I was not surprised by what I read.

    "I am filled with gratitude for all the experiences I have had this year. I now eagerly look forward to all the blessings yet to come."

     — Louise Hay, 2020 Calendar

    There is a lot of truth in those words. I am here to write about 2020. Not everyone is so fortunate. The challenges of COVID, while different, had minor impacts on most people.

    Looking ahead to today, January 1st, today's message states:

    In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete, and yet life is ever-changing. Life is never stuck or static or stale, for each moment is ever new and Fresh.
    Every moment of life is a new beginning point as we move from the old. This moment is a new point of beginning for me right here and right now. All is well in my world. 

     — Louise Hay, I Can Do It 2021 Calendar

    I am inspired by both of the quotes above. Each reflects that each day we have a choice. To celebrate yesterday, look forward to tomorrow, but to live in the moment!

    As Stewart Smalley says, "It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the whole world." To me, this to mean start simple. Start with yourself. Only then can we create significant impact.

    There are many great apps, Calendars, and books for daily affirmations. Some are funny, sarcastic, and even silly. Others simply give you the message you need to hear at the moment at the right time. Find one or more that work for you. 

    I recommend taking a moment to write down your favorites. The act of writing magically reinforces the messages. Give yourself the simple gift of a daily reminder to appreciate each moment; it's the only one that you've got!





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