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Parade Pets

Shih-Tzu's 'Post-Pool Zoomies' While Vacationing in Tampa Will Make Anyone Smile

By Mandi Jacewicz,

14 days ago

Not all dogs enjoy swimming, but those who do are often quite enthusiastic about it. The little dog in the video below is definitely one of those canines who love the sensation of cool water on his fur.

Despite his small size, Enzo is quite a strong swimmer. His celebration after taking a dip is not just cute but impressive. He will likely make you a little envious of his Florida vacation.

See the adorable Shih-Tzu enjoying the pool in the April 17 video.

Enzo (@ enzoistheshiht ) is living the good life in the Florida sunshine! Not only does he get to play in the pool, but he also gets to play with his Shih-Tzu uncle Tony. After having a little play session, he needed to cool off. He was so excited to see his floaty that he jumped right into the storage container to check it out. Yep, that will do!

Related: Shih-Tzu Has Total Meltdown Over Getting a Taste of Mom’s Chicken Nugget

He immediately hopped onto the float once it was in the pool. However, it didn't take long for the tropical sun to heat him, and after testing the water with his paws, he soon jumped in for a swim. The boy found the floating thermometer and turned it into a toy. It's fun to play with things you're not supposed to have. Unlike most dogs, Enzo doesn't tire from swimming and playing. He ran and spun around the house with the most adorable zoomies to dry off! Finally, after getting the last bit of energy out, it was time to nap. This little cutie sure earned a few hours of restful shut-eye.

Can All Shih-Tzus Swim?

While every dog may have individual preferences, according to Dogster , Shih Tzus have a natural ability to swim without help or guidance. However, because of their small size, they can tire quickly. To ensure their safety around water , pet parents must always be close by when these petite dogs are taking a dip. It's also recommended that they wear a life jacket to keep them afloat should they get tired. It's always better to be safe than to be sorry.

This dog's athletic abilities amazed people. Viewer @SarahSnyder remarked, "He is the most playful Shih-Tzu I've ever seen. Mine is the laziest thing ever, lol, and he hates water!" This little guy seems game for anything. Viewer @ChristianFuentes responded, "Mine hates water with a passion!" Many other pet parents echoed that sentiment.

Hopefully, Enzo had lots of fun on his Florida vacation before heading back to the Big Apple. He'll still have to wait a few more months before it's swimming season there.

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