Rudy Yakym wins District 2 Congressional seat formerly held by Jackie Walorski

NOW: Rudy Yakym wins District 2 Congressional seat formerly held by Jackie Walorski

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind.  -- Republican Rudy Yakym has won Indiana's District 2 Congressional seat as well as the special election to fulfill the rest of the late Rep. Jackie Walorski's seat.

Yakym defeated Democrat Paul Steury, and Libertarian William Henry.

Congressman-Elect Yakym vctory speech as prepared for delivery:

Good evening.

Thank you.

First, I want to pay tribute to the late Congresswoman Jackie Walorski. In August this district suffered an unimaginable loss with the tragic loss of Jackie, Zach and Emma.

Jackie was a fighter, and a devoted public servant. 

And I want to extend my deepest appreciation to her husband, Dean Swihart, and the entire Walorski family for their support in this race and we will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers 

And Jackie this victory is for you and we miss you every day.

I’d like to thank my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ who gave me the strength, and endurance to run an 80 day campaign.

I’d also like to thank my family, my parents and my 4 siblings who are here tonight. Especially my incredible wife of 16 years, Sallyann, and our three children Elle, Rudy IV and Eliza.

The circumstances surrounding this election were unique, and I could not have done it without the support of my family. Thank you for always standing by my side.

I’d also like to thank our campaign team and our rockstar volunteers who made phone calls, knocked on doors, put up yard signs and helped us spread our message across the 2nd District in just 80 days.

And thank you to the voters. I am deeply humbled to earn your trust and to represent your voice in Washington, DC.

Tonight, I am honored to stand here not just as the Congressman-elect for those who voted for me, but for each and every Hoosier in the district.

This election represents a pivotal moment for our district and our nation.

As we look ahead at the challenges facing Hoosiers, I believe the next Congress has a real opportunity to focus on the work, find common ground, and advance policies that get our nation back on track and restore the American Dream for future generations.

The real work starts now and the truth is that we are all in this fight together. There are more issues that unite us than divide us:

We all want safe communities for our families.

We all want peace of mind so that we can afford to put food on the table and heat our homes.

We all want our children to get a quality education that will help them succeed in life.

We all want our cities and towns to be home to good-paying jobs so the next generation has the choice to stay here, make a living and start a family of their own.

We all want peace around the Globe and more unity in our republic.

My grandfather, Rudy Sr used to say “you’re either part of the solution or part of the problem” and tonight, I pledge to be part of the solution and to deliver results for Hoosier families and businesses.

I have spent the last 80 days crisscrossing Northern Indiana to meet with you, listen to you, and find out how I can best represent YOUR voice in Washington.

You have welcomed us into your homes, out to your farms, onto your factory floors and opened up about the problems of today and solutions of tomorrow.

I was raised here, went to school here, and spent most of my life here. I could not be more proud of the innovation and creativity that has put this region on the map.

The 2nd District is home to the Americans that make the country work. We work in the medical device industry, the boating industry, we're the RV manufacturing capital of the world and we work at places like AM General. Through the efforts of our farmers, we feed the world. So many incredible businesses, universities and healthcare institutions right here in the 2nd District.

As your next Congressman, I will stay focused on stoking the flames of success and ensure the work is done in Washington to foster this environment for years to come.

There is a mountain of work ahead of us, and I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get it done.

My immediate focus will be to address the inflation crisis that’s wreaking havoc on our families.

I will bring my private sector experience to the table to find common sense solutions to cut wasteful spending, balance our budget, and support pro-growth policies that will create more good paying jobs here at home.

And together, we will double down on our nation’s status on the international stage as the greatest country in the history of the world.

We owe it to our men and women in uniform. We owe it to our veterans and their families who have made incredible sacrifices to defend liberty at home and abroad.

I want to say something to all the children in the room and at home. Complaining is easy, you probably see adults do it all the time. Bringing people together and talking about real solutions is hard. Do what is hard!

Whether or not you voted for me, my door is always open to you and I look forward to continuing to learn from Hoosiers in the 2nd District.

Today is a new day. Despite the negative headlines and challenges we all face, I have never been more proud to be a Hoosier and to be an American. 

I am confident that together, we can build a brighter and more prosperous future for our kids and grandkids so they, too, can reap all the benefits of the American Dream.

Thank you. May God bless the great State of Indiana and may God bless the United States of America!

Rudy Yakym

Republican candidate Rudy Yakym secured a win in the special caucus back in August.

The businessman who’s spent most of his life in South Bend was once Walorski’s campaign director and is endorsed by Walorski’s mother Maratha and husband Dean Swihart.

The republican is pushing conservative values and says some of his top priorities are fighting inflation, creating more jobs, supporting veterans and working to reverse some of Biden’s policies.

“We’ll be traveling this entire district. We met with 500 Hoosiers this and we’re beginning to know the rest of the 720,000 people in the district. We look forward to getting out, meeting them, hearing their concerns, and taking their concerns to Washington DC,” said Yakym.

Click here to visit Yakym’s website.

Paul Steury

Democratic candidate Paul Steury is a Goshen native and a teacher.

He’s centering his campaign around quality education, the effort to rethink the economy and create more opportunities for Hoosiers.

He’s also focusing on the future of agriculture, and healthcare pushing for access for all including women’s access to abortion.

“I care about health and freedom. I’m a Hoosier that insists that women have control over their own bodies. As my church taught me to care for my neighbor and myself I believe in healthcare for all including mental health care,” said Steury.

Click here to visit Steury’s website.

William Henry

The third candidate is libertarian William Henry. The advocate and volunteer is a U.S.a Army Vet who’s backed by the libertarian party. He's pushing for rights for other veterans, supporting medical trial research —fighting for individual and constitutional rights and defending medical freedoms for all Hoosiers.

“I like the idea of supporting contraceptive access and more over the counter access as well. Also age appropriate education that families teach at home,” said Henry.

Click here to visit Henry’s website.

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