Southern Christian Coalition Speaks Out Against School Library Book Bans

Advocate Andy

Group cites polling showing most Tennesseans oppose blanket bans of library books

Following the release of statewide polling on the issue, pastors affiliated with the Southern Christian Coalition spoke out in opposition to statewide bans on school library books. The group noted that the survey results indicate that a majority of Tennesseans also oppose such bans.

Members of the group released a statement calling on elected officials to focus on issues other than banning books.

“Just like the majority of Tennesseans surveyed in the statewide polling, I also am opposed to book bans in our public schools,” said Rev. Dr. Kevin Riggs, Pastor of Franklin Community Church. “We need leaders focused on solving the real problems our students are facing, not dividing us with distracting culture war issues and book bans. This is why I call on our elected leaders, from Governor Lee to school board members, to focus on getting all students the support they need to thrive including addressing the teacher shortage with full-time, passionate teachers, finding funding for mental health support for children, and making sure there are enough talented and dedicated staff in school so that students have the support that they need to learn and thrive."

The cited poll found that 58% of Tennesseans oppose giving book banning authority to a statewide entity and another 10% "somewhat" oppose the effort.

The poll question came about as a result of legislation passed in the recently concluded session of the General Assembly that gives the State Textbook Commission the authority to ban books from school libraries in response to parent complaints.

Riggs said Christians should celebrate rather than fear the truth and that the potential bans would hide the truth from public school students.

“As Christians we should never fear the truth," Riggs said. "Not only did Jesus tell us the truth would set us free, but he also commanded His disciples to not fear. Banning books out of fear of exposing our students to the truth about history is the opposite of what we should do as Christians. We are called to be people of truth and justice, and this law is contrary to both of these values.”

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Andy Spears is a middle Tennessee writer and policy advocate. He reports on news around public policy issues - education, health care, consumer protection, and more.

Nashville, TN

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