Empty Supermarkets to Become a Dangerous Problem in California

Toni Koraza

Nicholas Eckhart on Flickr

#EmptyShelvesJoe is taking Twitter by storm.

Thousands are exchanging verbal jabs aimed at the president. Some blame "Sleepy Joe" for ruining the country. Much to Biden's defense, the other side is reminding everyone of Trump's catastrophic mismanagement of the pandemic.

California, and America at large, are dealing with a supply chain crisis.

Food, toiletries, toys, and similar goods are not filing supermarket shelves fast enough. The problem persists in other states. Buyers can't find basic necessities at Trader's Joe and other stores. Costco limited the amount of toilet paper one person can buy.

Problems range across the board.

  • Fewer truck drivers
  • Fewer supermarket employees
  • Fewer restaurant workers
  • More restrictions due to COVID-19

The above storm is causing shortages across California. Republicans try to blame Biden for a building crisis because he's the man in charge of the country.

Many are wondering whether the shipping industry could do something different?

Supply-chain problems did not come out of the blue. They have been building up for years, and we might face devastating reproductions now. Holiday shopping might not be the same if the supply of goods doesn't come back. This means that you might not have options to buy gifts for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Empty Supermarket Shelves Plaguing California45/120Experts are unsure of how long supply-chain issues might plague Americans. Some say that you should start buying your Christmas presents now. Internet orders might take weeks or months to arrive.

If the Biden administration does not fix the issue soon, California could cancel the holidays this year.

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