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The Cuero Record Devotional Page

By Gary Andrews,

The Cuero Record Devotional Page Gary Andrews Wed, 04/03/2024 - 13:13 Image Body

You are a committee of one

Not long ago I was listening to a preacher on television from a large church in a large city. He was an interim pastor as this church was in the process of calling a new person to fulfill their pulpit. He was speaking about the changes that will be made when someone new comes in. It was said that some will be very receptive to the changes and some will be hardnosed and fight the changes. This happens in any church when a new pastor is called and brings with him new leadership ideas.

When you have several people serving together you are going to have varied opinions. Some are going to be supported of the new person and changes and some are going to be reluctant to change. This happens in any church.

We need to remember what we are told in Proverbs 3:5-6; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on you own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Sometimes change is difficult. Many have a routine for church and when anyone tries to change the way or what they are doing, they become upset. My wife and I and our family have had the opportunity of living in several towns and going to new churches. During this time, I have seen pastors come and go and the transition hasn’t always been easy.

I have seen new pastors come into open arms and his leadership and change were welcomed with kindness because of who he was, his attitude, and his openness to listen to the members. I have also witnessed reluctance in a few churches by some members due to the new pastor dictating changes that he wanted. This caused dissention among the people because they weren’t happy with change and many left the church.

My family and I have never left a church because of the pastor. If he is God’s called man the church should honor him and listen to his words if he preaches and teaches from the Bible. I have been a part of a church who asked a pastor to leave because he preached from other material instead of God’s Holy Word.

It wasn’t a pretty sight within the city because he objected to leaving and we became a church of turmoil throughout the community.

In another city we called a new preacher who was great behind the pulpit. He was one of the best I have ever heard but some complained he didn’t visit enough. Someone said that if he preaches the Word of God and was a good leader we shouldn’t worry about his visiting skills. That is what the church is for.

The interim pastor that I eluded to told the congregation to not put the new pastor on a pedestal. Not everyone is going to be happy especially when several meet as a committee and discuss the actions and changes of the new pastor.

He asked everyone to be a committee of one, supporting and honoring what Jesus would want us to do in our actions toward the newly called pastor. It is our acceptance and attitudes that can make a difference in others that we associate with. Prayer: Thank you Jesus for the people you have called to be preachers and teachers. I pray that all of them will talk to you and listen to you on the direction they take in their actions.


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