Bristol, Virginia receives federal grant for housing revitalization
By Karen Jenkins,
27 days ago
BRISTOL, Va. (WJHL) — $500,000 was awarded Monday to Bristol, Virginia’s Redevelopment and Housing Authority from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Fewer than twenty communities nationwide received the Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant for this fiscal year.
According to the HUD website, the Choice Neighborhoods program focuses on the redevelopment of “severely-distressed public housing” and/or HUD-assisted housing through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation.
Lisa Porter, Executive Director of the Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority, said she’s pleasantly surprised to find Bristol was one of 13 communities awarded.
“This is just a huge shock to me and all of us,” said Porter. “But it’s the good surprise, the good news that you want to get.”
The money will be used for a variety of housing improvement projects across the city.
“We’re looking to target distressed public housing, but it also includes some commercial development and neighborhood revitalization and stabilization,” explained Porter.
Richard Monocchio, HUD’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing–who traveled to Bristol’s Hope Lane area to present the $500,000 check, says he’s impressed with what he saw in the city and feels it has a good chance at receiving another, much larger grant: an Implementation Grant.
“Here we’re in a neighborhood that has suffered a bit from disinvestment, but has enormous potential,” said Monocchio. “I’ve seen that driving through Bristol. The goal would be to apply for an implementation grant which could be up to $50 million.”
Monocchio explains successful applicants will use their initial planning grant funds to develop a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy. Then the larger Implementation Grants provide funding to assist in implementing these plans.
He admits funding for the Implementation Grant may be dependent on the federal budget, but says housing should a bi-partisan issue.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re a red state, a blue state or a purple state, every city, every community, every state needs more housing because that’s how we’re going to bring housing costs down,” Monochhio said.
The Implementation Grant is competitive. Bristol would be competing with about 40 other eligible communities for the award. And only two other Virginia cities have ever received it, but Bristol officials say they hope to be the third.
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