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  • Whiskey Riff

    Hungry Orca Beaches Itself To Snack On Sea Lion Pups

    By Quinn Eaton,

    15 days ago

    They're called killer whales for a reason. Well, technically
    , they're known as orcas. These large sea creatures (that can range between 20 to 30 feet long depending on gender) earned the nickname of “Killer” because ancient sailors used to witness them taking down comparatively smaller – yet still sizable – whales. Funny enough, they aren't even whales at all. Orcas actually the largest member of the dolphin family, and that nickname they were given so long ago just made people assume that they were whales since they rivaled the size of some of the ocean's largest cetaceans. So you can say you learned something today reading on Whiskey Riff. You are welcome. In this clip out of Argentina (or I guess multiple clips), a killer whale put it all out on the line to capture a sea lion for lunch. Whales are typically careful about getting too close to the shore, but interestingly enough, orcas in Argentina are famous for beaching themselves in pursuit of shorelines snacks. Once they get their prey, they typically just wait for the waves to carry them back into the sea. As you'll see in the video, the killer whale sets its sights on a pod of sea lions sitting just on the beach. Somehow they didn't feel the wake that the orca created as it sped towards the coastline, and one of them paid the ultimate price. It may be a little tough to watch for some, but for those who are into nature "doing its thing," the footage of the whale grabbing and throwing around a sea lion is as gnarly as it gets. Check it out: Beach day
    ruined . It's a little strange to me that the sea lions never saw the killer whale coming, but maybe those who survived the attack will be a little more careful putting their backs to the ocean like they did. They might have felt like they were safe from the orca whale... and look how that turned out for one of them.
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