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    ESPN Announcer & Host Of ‘The Bachelor’ Jesse Palmer Brutally Roasts Poor Florida Fan Surrounded By Ladies

    By Aaron Ryan,

    22 days ago

    As if life weren't already hard enough for Gator fans. Florida lost their second game of the year yesterday, falling to Texas A&M in a game that was never particularly close to move to 1-2 on the season. So far their only win has come over FCS Samford, and at this point it seems to be a foregone conclusion that third year Coach Billy Napier is on his way out. Yet, while things aren't going so well on the field, some fans still managed to have a little bit of fun in the stands. Late in yesterday's game, the camera caught a shot of some Florida fans still left in the stands for whatever reason. It was a guy surrounded by some young ladies, and for some reason, ESPN commentator Jesse Palmer decided to just roast him into oblivion. Palmer serves as host of
    The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, though he also played for the Florida Gators during his college career and then spent some time with the New York Giants and the San Francisco 49ers. And it seems he was trying to mesh his two careers when he began commentating on the relationship status of the fans in the stands: "I'm gonna make a bold prediction here. I'm gonna say that guy's in the friend zone." Palmer then doubled down on his analysis: "I see it up close and personal on my other job. I'm going to say he's a good listener... I think he's a great guy, didn't say he's a bad guy, I just don't think he's dating anybody in the shot right now."
    Brutal. Way to kick Florida fans while they're down.
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    richard fitzwell
    22d ago
    how about you just kind your own business douche bag
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