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  • Whiskey Riff

    Bear Makes Climbing Over A Barbed-Wire, Chain Link Fence Look Way Too Easy

    By Quinn Eaton,

    23 days ago

    Can't go through it, can't go around it, gotta go over it. This might be the most athletic fence climbing by a bear that we've ever seen - or at the very least that's been caught on camera. All species of bruins are known to be excellent climbers, so it shouldn't be all that surprising seeing this. But the barbed wire on top of the fence is what makes this clip especially impressive. It's unknown where this video takes place. One thing we do know is that this sizable bear is an accomplished climber, and there's a chance it's scaled this very fence before. You can't tell me that it doesn't look confident in what it's doing as it treks up the fence and carefully handles the barbed wire. The video is shot by someone who just so happened to be driving by when this bear was going for its great escape. As you'll see, the car slowly comes to a stop to get a good vantage point to watch the first-team, all-American fence climber that was this bear. For a moment, the wild animal (now at the top of the fence) looks over to check out the vehicle, but quickly gets back to the task at hand (or paw?). It carefully places a leg and an arm on the sharp barbed wire and begins to calmly descend down the other side. Did it probably get poked a few times? You bet. However, a few pokes and prods from the sharp wiring didn't stop the bruin from getting to the other side. It powered through whatever pain it experienced - shook it off once it landed with a thud on the other side - and then ran off to do whatever bear activities it had on the to-do list that day. After this, it was certainly able to check off "climb unclimbable fence" from the list:
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    patty perky
    21d ago
    why don't you just hang a bag of chips there get a sleeping bag hang out and get up tomorrow for breakfast. 😊
    SoulYum..Music is 3 Cords and the Truth!
    21d ago
    Bear McQueen.. a bullet of a bounty hunter Josh
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