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  • Whiskey Riff

    Poacher Gets Busted After He Posts Incriminating Video Of Moose Hunt On YouTube

    By Jacob Dillon,

    23 days ago

    So stupid it is almost unbelievable... Hunting is already fairly controversial in the sense that some people are just flat out opposed to the practice. Never mind the fact that it helps you put high quality food on the table, helps support the environment and sustain the ecosystem, and that hunters are probably some of the most environmentally conscious people on planet Earth. However, like anything else, there are some bad actors. And the real shame is that it is at the cost of wildlife and the reputation of hunters and outdoorsmen that follow the rules. If you view wildlife as a gateway to money and not something you work with out of an appreciation for their existence and a want to leave them better off than today in the years to come, you are doing it for the wrong reasons and nothing good will come from it. I’m just glad these folks are usually their own worst enemy... like these fellas in Saskatchewan. They went out on a moose hunt and posted the video on YouTube. And naturally, since most fish and wildlife officers like hunting and fishing, one watched the video and immediately noticed the man not following the proper rules by not wearing the mandatory hunting gear like hunters’ orange. The officer then investigated farther, discovering the man’s name and the fact that he was not authorized to be hunting moose as he did not hold a tag for the species. Ryan Reimer, inspector for the provincial Conservation Officer Service summed it all up best.
    We're hunters and fishers ourselves. A lot of times we will follow certain accounts and look at videos and it was an officer's keen eye in this instance that picked up a potential violation.” I would say justice was served here and these folks will think twice about using someone else’s tag. Or at least learned not to post it online for the world to see the crime… They came away with a slew of charges and, ultimately, guilty pleas for the two Saskatchewan brothers. They were fined over $6,000 and banned from hunting for one year.
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    Charlie Y
    21d ago
    Quit calling the poachers stupid. They have the biggest Brian's. Brains so big no body has ever seen before. Keep posting these photos and what city you live near. I'll buy you a beer.
    21d ago
    wonder why they didn't post his name? cuz he sure as hell doesn't look like he's an American
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