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  • Whiskey Riff

    “Wait, It’s On The Beach!” – Big Ol’ Black Bear Takes Over Busy Lake Tahoe Beach

    By Quinn Eaton,

    23 days ago

    Welp... that's the bear's beach now. There's nothing like relaxing on the beach and soaking up some sun. One could argue it's the best thing you could do if you're in need of a little reset. But putting your toes in the sand and not having a worry in the world is a lot easier to do when the beach you go to isn't close to bear country. These Lake Tahoe visitors were stunned to see a black bear walking the coastline of the beach. Some people abandoned their chairs, towels and kayaks and got as far away from the bruin as possible. Other not-so-smart individuals decided they'd stand
    super close to the apex predator (one guy stood with kid mere feet away from the bear) so they can get a good video of it. There are always those types of people in videos like this. Obviously, it's best to keep 100 yards away from more dangerous wildlife like bears. The National Park Service always suggest to leave plenty of room between yourself and wild animals... so basically not doing what some of these people did in the video below. They really could have used a heads up about getting far away from the bear. It shouldn't come as that much of a surprise that a bear crashed a Lake Tahoe beach day. It's estimated that 25,000 to 35,000 black bears live in California, and they're supposedly the only species of bear that wanders around in the Lake Tahoe basin. And if you watch this clip and think to yourself, "That doesn't look like a black bear," the colors of the species actually vary from black to blond, and the cinnamon coat that the beach bruin has is actually the most common. But there wasn't a lot of time for beach goers to identify the species of bear. If they were responsible, they were too busy trying to put some space in between the animal and themselves. Others, like the people who were higher up where this video was taken from, were occupied with saying "helpful" things like this:
    "Wait, it's on the beach! That is insane. I thought they were nocturnal. I am so posting this right now. Oh my God... you guys." Just to clear things up, black bears are diurnal, which means they are active mostly during the day. So the opposite of nocturnal... hopefully the girl that said that in the video sees this and finds that out.
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    Cheryl Moore Greenfield
    21d ago
    I'm sure he was there long before they were
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