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  • Whiskey Riff

    “Why Did He Do That?” – Nature Karen Tries To Hand Feed African Kudu & Gets Knocked On Her Can

    By Quinn Eaton,


    Everyone thinks they’re in a Disney movie when they interact with wild animals.

    Maybe animated movies should be held responsible in some way for incidents like this, am I right? After all, they are probably the reason why people have such a false confidence around wild animals. If they see a Disney princess do it, they think they can do it too.

    This woman trying to feed an African Kudu (basically a large antelope) found out that it doesn’t always work out like it does on the big screen. The National Park Service advises people to never get closer than 100 yards to a wild animal, and under no circumstance should you offer food to a creature out in nature.

    She managed to break both rules simultaneously.

    Though we don’t know if this interaction took place inside a national park, it was posted onto the “Tourons of National Parks” Instagram page. And they’ve never led me wrong. In fact, they’ve always led me to videos that produce immense laughter – at the expense of the idiots in their posted videos.

    In this one, a woman that some are calling “Nature Karen” went right up to the towering African Kudu thinking she could hand feed it like it was some sort of petting zoo. Initially, things seemed to be going okay, until the big animal lowered its horns and aggressively knocked her to the ground (I think she yelled “F**k me” as she fell).

    And who I’m hoping was her husband said this from behind the camera right after it happened:

    “Uh huh, I’d throw it (the food) out there.”

    HILARIOUS. No support whatsoever. Instead, some major “I told you so” energy with that exclamation. That guy undoubtedly questioned her feeding the Kudu before, and was proven right when the woman got knocked on her ass. And all she could wonder was:

    “Why did he do that?”

    She’s lucky that she didn’t get seriously hurt. Those horns could have easily done some major damage.

    Though she wasn’t physically hurt all that bad, Nature Karen would probably be hurt mentally and emotionally if she were to look at some of the comments that were left below the post:

    “Perfect example of natural selection.”

    “It’s not a pet. It’s wild animal, lady.”

    “I like how he makes no effort to help her, just keeps filming and giggling.”

    “Older, but not wiser.”

    “Why did he do that? He doesn’t want you there. That’s why.”

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    1d ago
    why did he do that, cuz...that's what wild animals do when they feel threatened.. they attack, you got it 👌😜💯
    8d ago
    That is a very aggressive species! It's an absolute miracle that blooming idiot was not killed! I bet she'll sue Disney . 🤣🤑🤪🤯🤡🦧🦍🦝🦁🐆🐅🦌🦌🦬🦬🫎🫎🐏🐐🐗🐪🐘🦒🦣🦏🦘🐍THEY HATE HUMANS
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