According to a criminal complaint, Delcastillo shot Davis, after Davis was arguing with a woman on Northampton Street. That woman was Delcastillo’s mother, who Davis had a previous relationship with.
“The investigation revealed that this incident was the result of a long-standing feud between the victim and the now defendant,” said Luzerne County District Attorney Sam Sanguedolce.
Luzerne County District Attorney talked about the investigation on Tuesday and according to the criminal complaint, that feud involved Branden Delcastillo’s mother who had a previous relationship with Davis.
Then, according to the arrest affidavit, Delcastillo and his mother got into a black SUV. His mother drove them from the crime scene.
Delcastillo is known to law enforcement. Investigators say he has gang connections and was involved in a gang-related shooting several years ago.
While Monday’s shooting is not directly tied to gangs, it has once again caught the attention of the community which has seen a growing number of gang-related crimes.
Jim Marinello is a gang expert and works with area school districts to try to prevent young people from joining gangs.
“I don’t want to go out and talk to high school students. I don’t want to talk to anybody past the eighth grade because a lot of them, not all, but a lot of them think gangs are cool,” Marinello explained.
Nathan Barrett is superintendent of schools for the Hanover Area School District, he says they engage students about the dangers of gangs.
“We have an excellent relationship with students. We have learned a lot about gang activity that has taken place locally. We are able to keep an eye on things and share this with law enforcement,” Barrett said.
Delcastillo’s mother has not been charged in connection with the shooting.
The police investigation is ongoing.
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