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    Break-ins have residents concerned in Berwick

    By Gianna Galli,


    BERWICK, COLUMBIA COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — People living in and around Berwick have had their cars and other property broken into, and their belongings stolen.

    Police say it’s been going on for weeks and there are more than a dozen reports.

    From important work equipment, to purses, and even tools, items are getting stolen left and right in several Berwick neighborhoods.

    People there say it’s been going on for more than a month.

    A smashed car window and items were stolen from inside the vehicle: That’s what Tanya from Berwick, who doesn’t want her face shown, says happened on 2nd Ave in Berwick at 5:30 a.m. on Saturday before leaving for work.

    “I was very very upset. I had my work badges, my stethoscope, and everything like that I use for my daily tasks at work,” Tanya said.

    Tanya is a nursing assistant at Geisinger in Danville and was fortunate enough that a family member replaced her stethoscope, but she wasn’t the only one getting robbed of her valuables.

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    On nearby Pine Street, Addictions Counselor Robbie Longenberger says a case of Narcan was stolen from his vehicle nearly a month ago.

    “Every end of town has been hammered by this and it’s not slowed up. If anything it’s increased,” Longenberger said.

    Berwick Mayor Tim Burke tells 28/22 News these break-ins have been popping up all around the Berwick area for the last 45 days or so.

    There have been more than a dozen reports filed and several law enforcement agencies, including Pennsylvania State Police, are involved in the investigations.

    “I personally will assure people this is going to come to an end if I have to quit my regular job and walk the streets with the police department. We’re not going away until this is brought to a close,” Mayor Burke said.

    Logenberger and Tayna just hope that happens very soon.

    “It’s just not right in general for people to be stealing but to be physically coming up to somebody’s property and breaking stuff and stealing stuff,” Tamya added.

    “To have anything stolen from you puts you in a particular place. People are irate, they are upset. People work, times are tough. It cost more than it’s ever cost to just survive nowadays,” Longenberger continued.

    Mayor Burke says they are making progress in the investigation and they are looking into leads.

    He also wants to remind the Berwick and surrounding communities to lock their doors, don’t keep anything valuable where it’s visible, and not be afraid of ramped-up police protection in their neighborhoods.

    Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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    Mike Miller
    I saw 2 guys with back packs on about 12:30 last night. 1 was on a bike by the old orange street school and the other one was walking up Arch street and went down the alley by my house with a flashlight. That is probably 2 of them. Not sure why you are out that late with a backpack on. Cops need to be patrolling late at night and check out these people with the backpacks on.
    Ed Mor
    Where are the cops??? In Dunkin Donuts
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