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  • WashingtonExaminer

    Harris taps Al Franken intimate Tim Walz

    By Timothy P. Carney,


    Disgraced former Sen. Al Franken spent 2006 sexually accosting women and launching the political career of Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), the Democrats’ presumptive vice presidential nominee . The two appear to remain close to this day.

    Walz was a political newbie that year, challenging a Republican incumbent in a GOP-leaning district. Minneapolis's Star Tribune carried this news item in July 2006 on the campaigns’ top donors:

    “Republican Rep. Gil Gutknecht, who serves on the Agriculture Committee, has received more than $75,000 from farm- or food-related PACs, including more than $13,000 from the sugar and sugar beet industry.

    “Democrat Tim Walz’s biggest donor has been Franken, a likely 2008 Minnesota Senate candidate who is distributing money to Midwestern Democrats through his own PAC. Besides a $10,000 PAC check, Franken and his wife each gave Walz the maximum $4,200.”

    Later that year, Franken would headline a USO tour in the Middle East, on which he allegedly groped and kissed a lesser-known comedienne against her will. Also that year, Franken allegedly tried to kiss a Democratic staffer forcibly in his radio studio. A third woman “stated that Franken attempted to give her a ‘wet, open-mouthed kiss’ onstage at an event in 2006.”

    “He was between me and the door, and he was coming at me to kiss me. It was very quick, and I think my brain had to work really hard to be like, ‘Wait, what is happening?’ But I knew whatever was happening was not right, and I ducked,” the former aide said in an interview. “I was really startled by it, and I just sort of booked it towards the door, and he said, ‘It’s my right as an entertainer.’”

    Walz and Franken in these same months were becoming each other’s right-hand men. Besides personally donating the maximum legal amount, Franken had campaigned for and raised funds for Walz, headlining a fundraiser for Walz in July.


    In Franken’s 2008 Senate run, Walz campaigned with Franken — the two were something of a ticket.

    Considering all the time they spent together, did Walz ever witness Franken’s predations? Did any Minnesota politicos or Walz staffers warn him that Franken was a serial groper? The running mate should answer these questions.

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    30d ago
    It is one thing to be sympathetic as Governor, but it is unconscionable for Governor Walz to let a community burn, allowing further people to suffer, see their business burn. Think this through. What possible reason would there be to let your community continue to riot and burn while you sit by. I know the answer, but you need to process this and come to your own conclusion before you vote.
    Carol Hamilton
    30d ago
    Al Franken was falsely accused and resigned . his own party pushed him out. the Republicans are still pushing for the 34 times convicted felon to hold the highest office in our country? what is the matter with you people?
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