
While many incoming high school seniors are spending the next three months hanging out with friends or getting summer jobs, Jan Viveros-Arcos is serving his country.

The Washington student who just completed his junior year travels to Fort Jackson in South Carolina today, as he begins his basic training through the National Guard. With a brother who recently joined, and a father who served in Mexico, Viveros-Arcos tells KCII he’s ready for the challenge. “I’m pretty scared of the unknown, but I’m also pretty excited because becoming a soldier of the United States has always been a big thing to me.”

When asked what advice he would give to fellow-students planning to join the military, Viveros-Arcos added, “After all the struggle and after all the pain that you might have to go through, it’s really rewarding especially if it’s something you’re really motivated to do. I’ve really loved my experience so far, I’m really excited for what the organization has going for me moving on.”

Following the 10-week basic training, Jan will return to Washington for his senior year of high school. He plans to finish his training with 91 Bravo as a wheeled vehicle mechanic, then pursue a college education.