Women’s History Walk coming March 25

Vivienne Malone-Mays is one of many women who will be highlighted during the walk. (Courtesy: Waco Walks)

WACO, Texas (FOX 44) – There are many fascinating women who have a connection to Waco, and an upcoming weekend event will highlight a lot of them.

The Waco Walks group will be hosting a Women’s History Month Walk this Saturday at 10 a.m. at Indian Spring Park – located across from the Hilton at 101 University Parks Boulevard. The group says that women have played important roles in Waco’s development – although some of these roles are not always acknowledged.

During the downtown Waco walk, the group will discuss women’s roles as pioneers, city leaders and savvy entrepreneurs. The group says that while some of these women worked within social conventions, others were more “infamous” in their endeavors.

The walk will last approximately two miles. Most of the walk will be on city streets and sidewalks – but attendees should be prepared to navigate a few grassy areas, curbs and steps. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own water bottles. Dogs are welcome to join, but organizers say they must be on a leash.