World Water Day and Texas water conservation

WACO, Texas (FOX 44) – World Water Day is drawing awareness to Water Conservation talk in Waco, and the state of Texas.

There is a positive initiative moving in the Texas legislature under the banner of the Texas Land and Water Conservation Fund. The fund is set to provide over 2 billion dollars to protect, conserve and restore Texas land and water resources.

Amanda Fuller from NWF Regional Executive Director explains that the bill is large and all encompassing, “Something great about this bill is that it’s large and all encompassing. Every session, a lot of different folks are coming to their lawmakers with requests.” -Fuller

The bills are being introduced by Republican State Representative Justin Holland and State Senator Lois Kolkhorst.

“For water this bill would provide really a tremendous opportunity to shore up our our water resources. It can also help us utilize a tool that we have called the State Water Trust, where we can acquire water rights long term …what that would do essentially is ensure that water is remaining in our systems and not being over appropriated. And that’s really important, especially in times of drought.” – Fuller

Drought is a reality for the city of Waco. In Tuesday’s City Council meeting conserving water was high on the agenda in an effort to stay proactive.

Lake Waco is currently at 452 feet and if it moves down to 450, Stage 3 drought will enter the conversation. Restrictions will include less outdoor watering.

Long term discussions involved tapping into the Brazos River, if the city approaches stage 4 according to Waco water utility department spokesperson, Jessica Emmett Sellers.

“If we get into, you know, an inevitable emergency situation, what that looks like is we would maybe need to use water from the river to supplement the water that’s in the lake.” -Sellers

This will require different chemical and filter, to mix lake water and river water as seamlessly as possible. The city estimates it will take up to a year to complete.

Central Texans can help by think about water usage.

“Ask those questions about like, what can I plant that’s going to take a little bit less water, Be prepared to use less water this spring and summer. And so don’t plant things that are going to use use a ton and you can still have a beautiful garden.” -Sellers