


Valley City Trap Club News

May 23, 2023

Submitted by Lewis Legge


Pretty decent evening Tuesday night.  Moderate south winds do not have much effect on targets coming out of the trap houses.  The skeet range targets suffer more as the clays move north and south.  Challenge.  Close to the end of the night there was a wind change to the northeast which immediately changed the trap targets.  At least that’s what I’m blaming for my misses.


I’ve businesses wanting to sponsor teams so the ground work of finding a sponsor is done.  Anybody is welcome to shoot league which includes Junior shooters. Remember, Junior shooters get their 2 free rounds each night.  Contact Lewis Legge 701-490-0729.


High trap was Austin Juhnke and Caitlyn Thoreson with 24’s and high skeet was Tim Logan and Al Gehring at 22 each.  Shoot well.