Regina Money

TYLER, Texas – Just before her 60th birthday, longtime former dance teacher Regina Money, decided to take aerial acrobat lessons and now she is set to compete at the national level at age 67.

Aerial fitness classes focus on building strength, flexibility and muscle endurance.

Money began her aerial experience in Tyler, Texas, but soon after, the class closed and she had to look for another class, which led her to Aerial Expressions in Shreveport, taught by Susie Stevens, who says Money is a spectacular student.

“Aerial is one of the fastest growing sports in the world right now," Stevens said. "It's like combining dance and acrobatics in the air, supported by the equipment. For example, the silk or the round hoop which we call the lira. We work with ages of five to 70, so no, Aerial doesn't know age.”

Money is one of the top-rated aerialists in the U.S. in the senior division and is currently preparing for the national competition in August in Savannah, Georgia, where she is set to make World Team USA.

“Everybody loves Miss Regina," Stevens said. "She's so enthusiastic, so supportive, she's been with us several years now and I watched her come in and she would get so frustrated because she wanted to climb and she couldn't climb. She worked and worked and now she performs for us and competes and is one of the top-rated aerialists in the country in the senior division.”

Anyone wishing to donate to assist with travel expenses to the nationals, contact Aerial Expressions Shreveport at (318) 347-2608


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