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    The seven signs your husband is having an affair with a work colleague

    Photo byMom Junction

    Workplace affairs can be surprisingly common in North Carolina as well as all over the US, with some surveys suggesting that as many as 85% of extramarital affairs begin in the office.

    This isn’t all that shocking when you consider how much time people spend at work, often more than they do at home. The close proximity, frequent interaction, and shared experiences can create an environment where innocent flirtation can easily escalate into something more serious.

    One key factor is the amount of time spent together. It’s natural to connect with someone you see daily, especially if things aren’t going well at home. Flirting might make the workday more entertaining, but it can quickly cross the line, especially in stressful situations where our minds tend to romanticize or eroticize the context.

    North Carolina readers if you suspect your partner might be involved in a workplace affair, there are some warning signs to watch for:

    1. Frequent Late Nights: If your partner often stays late with vague explanations, it might be worth questioning. It’s reasonable to ask for details, and you should be wary if they seem nervous or defensive.
    2. Inconsistent Time Management: Regularly missing the train, extending work trips, or being unreachable for long periods could indicate they’re stretching their time with someone else.
    3. Constant Mention of a Colleague: If one colleague’s name keeps coming up in conversation, especially with unnecessary details, it could signal an obsession or infatuation.
    4. Sudden Attention to Appearance: A newfound interest in dressing up or grooming, particularly if it’s out of character, might be an attempt to impress someone at work.
    5. Increased Enthusiasm for Work: A previously stressful job that suddenly becomes enjoyable could be a sign that they’re looking forward to seeing someone at the office.
    6. Overprotectiveness: If your partner seems unusually concerned about a colleague’s well-being, especially if they’re emotionally detached at home, it could be a red flag.
    7. Overfriendly Colleague: If a work colleague becomes overly familiar with you or your children, it might be an indication that they’re trying to ingratiate themselves into your partner’s personal life.

    While these signs don’t guarantee that an affair is happening, they can serve as cues to start a conversation and address any concerns you may have.

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    Ian Cook
    Hey fellas as a wise man once said “Don’t shit where you eat.”
    David Curlee
    He ain’t putting out
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    The Shenandoah (PA) Sentinel27 days ago

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