While the three contestants compete in the Toss Up challenges, they are shown at the bottom of the screen in three separate boxes with the reveal board at the top.
In the past, the players were shown on top with the reveal board on the bottom.
On a WoF Reddit forum, fans shared their distaste for the new change.
One wrote, “Ryan is ok but hate the new set. Also hate them showing the contestants at bottom during the toss ups.
“It’s a distraction. I just want to see the puzzle!”
A second person agreed, Yes!! I hated them showing the contestants too. It felt like too much of a distraction from the puzzle.”
“The three box was nauseating,” a third person pointed out. “Let the viewer focus on the puzzle!”
A fourth wrote, “I will concur that the set – despite the nod to the 80s set – does look like in need of more improvement.
“The new Toss-up/Speed-up round angles also don’t do any justice either. ”
The American Idol host said, “Welcome to Wheel of Fortune. I am your host Ryan Seacrest. I still can’t believe my luck being here tonight to continue this legacy of this incredible show.
“Hosting Wheel of Fortune is a dream job,” Ryan continued. “I have been a fan of this show since I was a kid, watching it in Atlanta with my family.
“And I know Wheel has been in your living rooms for the past 40 years.
“And I am so grateful to be invited in.”
Vanna White , 67, has continued her role as the letter revealer on the show.
Wheel of Fortune airs on ABC directly after Jeopardy! – check your local listings.
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