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    Gypsy Rose Blanchard reveals one thing she still hasn't done after she was jailed for mom's murder

    By Scarlett O'Toole,

    21 days ago

    Gypsy Rose Blanchard missed out on a lot when she was in prison and she's now revealed there are some things she still hasn't done following her release.

    The 33-year-old spent eight years in prison for the murder of her mother Clauddine "Dee Dee" Blanchard . Gypsy Rose had persuaded her online boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn to murder her mom after Dee Dee forced her daughter into unnecessary operations and confined her to a wheelchair, making her a victim of Munchausen by Proxy.

    Gypsy Rose was released from prison on parole in December last year and has gone on to make a life for herself with her boyfriend Ken Urker . In a new video shared on Gypsy Rose's YouTube, the pair were seen enjoying a romantic golf cart ride as she admitted she has never seen a popular Adam Sandler film.

    As Ken drove the vehicle, he asked his pregnant girlfriend: "This is kinda fun ain't it?" Gypsy Rose replied: "Yeah! Imagine if it went, like, really fast."

    Ken then referenced a 1998 film as he said: "Like in The Waterboy." However, he was confused as Gypsy Rose stayed silent. Ken eventually asked: "Do you know what I'm talking about?"

    Gypsy Rose admitted: "No I don't know, I've never seen Waterboy." Her boyfriend was shocked and exclaimed: "You've never seen Waterboy?!"

    When Gypsy Rose reiterated that she hasn't, Ken insisted: "Well, we're gonna fix that tonight." Elsewhere in the clip, Ken accidentally ran a stop sign.

    "[There was] a stop sign there, oops," he said. Generally, it's considered a traffic violation and is typically penalized with a fine, points on a driver's license, and, in some cases, mandatory attendance at a traffic school.

    The fine can range anywhere from $60 to $350, depending on the location of the violation and the driver's previous traffic offenses. Despite the error, Ken and Gypsy Rose continued to chat excitedly before finishing their drive and reuniting with her family.

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    20d ago
    brushed her teeth? told the truth?
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    The Shenandoah (PA) Sentinel27 days ago

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