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  • The Guardian

    How do cows produce milk and why doesn’t honey freeze? Try our kids’ quiz

    By Molly Oldfield,

      Illustration of a cow with a bell round her neck, next to blue flowers and a sunflower, on a white background Illustration: Hennie Haworth/The Guardian

      Anya, 7, asks: how do cows produce milk?

      1. It’s a magical process that no one really understands

      2. Special cells in the cow’s udder use nutrients from digested food to produce milk

      3. Cows make milk in their kidneys using fluids that are rich in nutrients

      4. Milk is just cows’ wee

    2. Kathleen, 6, asks: how does a remote control send its signal to a television?

      1. It does it by telecommunication

      2. By infrared radiation

      3. By ultraviolet radiation

      4. Using X-rays

    3. Edith, 10, asks: why doesn’t honey freeze?

      1. Because bees design it to withstand very cold temperatures

      2. Because it’s too sticky to freeze

      3. Because honey has a lot of natural warmth

      4. Because it doesn’t contain very much water

    4. Riley, 6, asks: how many veins are in the human body?

      1. It’s impossible to count them all!

      2. 124

      3. 18

      4. 569

    5. Stanley, 7, asks: how many different species of birds are there in the world?

      1. 100

      2. 1,000

      3. 10,000

      4. 100,000


    1:B - Nutrients from all the grass that the mother cow has eaten are carried along in the bloodstream to the udder, where special cells called alveoli use these nutrients to make milk., 2:B - Most remote controls send signals to televisions using infrared radiation, and TVs have infrared sensors that can pick up these special light pulses. Some remotes use radio waves instead., 3:D - Honey can be stored in the freezer, but it won’t become rock solid like an ice cube does, because it is mostly dissolved sugar and only about 20% water. , 4:A - It’s impossible to count the exact number of veins in the human body as there is such a vast network of tiny blood vessels and bigger veins. But scientists estimate that if you laid all the veins out, they would stretch for about 60,000 miles! , 5:C - Most organisations believe there are about 10,000 species of birds around the world, but research by the American Museum of Natural History estimated there could be as many as 18,000.


    1. 5 and above.

    2. 4 and above.

    3. 3 and above.

    4. 2 and above.

    5. 0 and above.

    6. 1 and above.

    Molly Oldfield hosts Everything Under the Sun , a weekly podcast answering children’s questions, out now as a book .

    Does your child have a question? Submit one here

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