
It’s a great time to observe marine life with extreme low tides in Puget Sound

Monday and Tuesday in the afternoon Puget Sound will see an extremely low tide of -3.7, which is a great time to go observe some tide pools.

“Right now you’ll see some of the trout. The Cutthroat trout, they’ll be out here. You see them jumping a little bit,” said Steve Ulmer.

Ulmer lives just steps away from the beach in Fauntleroy, and when there’s a low tide he says there’s a lot for his kids to explore.

Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists say low tides are normal this time of year but say typically zero is an average low tide. During this time they say it’s perfect to get out and check out the marine life.

Zoe Mahler says she’s come out before.

“You’d flip over rocks and there would be like little crabs running away everywhere,” said Mahler.

Specialists say animals along the shore can adapt to the tide change, all they ask is that you be mindful when checking out the tide pools.

Three tips are: walk carefully so you don’t step on any sea life, don’t pick up any animals, and don’t take anything from the beach.

“There’s something so special about seeing the way that the tide changes. The way that it reveals so much that you don’t see on a normal day,” said Mahler.