From newspapers to TikTok: Let's talk about news

News. Newspapers, Laptop and Smartphone - Sources of Information. Finance Magazines and Journals Stacked in Pile on Keyboard of Computer. Business Concept
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SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS RADIO) – How do you get your news? Do you subscribe to a paper or have your favorite station ready to play on your drive to work? Do you find yourself scrolling through headlines on your phone?

The way we consume – and even report – news has changed a lot over the past decades. How is it changing us? That’s what we covered this week on It’s Generational.

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Our panel talks about their relationships with the news – what they love, what frustrates them and the influence it has on their lives.

Baby boomer anchor and reporter Jim Taylor  of KCBS Radio, Gen X astrologer and psychic medium  Jessica Lanyadoo and two millennial-Gen Z cuspers: journalist Nic F. Anderson, a student at the Craig Newmark School of Journalism and Harris Mojadedi, assistant dean at the University of California, Berkeley, make up the panel.

Stephanie Edgerly, a professor and associate dean at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism who specializes in audience insight, joined us to break down how news consumption is changing. She also shared her perspective on how news could grow in the future.

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