
Former PGA Championship winner gives back in Rochester

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — In just under two months, the best of the best in the golf world will descend on Pittsford to try and raise the Wanamaker Trophy at the 2023 PGA Championship.

On Friday, Shaun Micheel was back at the site of his 2003 triumph to give back to the community.

Micheel is the guest of honor at Saturday night’s Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Rochester 4th annual fundraising gala, The Big Night Out, held at Oak Hill Country Club.

“As a player charity is a big arm of the PGA Tour,” said Micheel. “I’ve always been around charity. I love giving back. I love helping the children out and giving them an opportunity. And you know, who would want to pass up an opportunity to come to Oak Hill?”

Micheel spent part of the day on Friday at the organization’s new downtown mentoring center, giving putting lessons to bigs and littles.

Tickets are still available for Saturday night’s gala. You can purchase them on the company’s website.