Monument Health’s February Freeze 5K focuses on heart health

February heart fun walk/run to inspire health awareness
Published: Feb. 10, 2023 at 1:49 PM MST

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) - February is not only when we celebrate Valentine’s Day but it’s also heart health month and to raise awareness Monument Health is hosting the February Freeze 5k run/walk this weekend.

Chrissy Callahan, Exercise Physiologist at Monument Health spoke about the importance to incorporate activity and living a healthier life.

The run/walk is free and kicks off at noon on Sunday, February 12th at Founder’s Park Shelter, 1510 W. Omaha St. Rapid City and registration will be from 10:30 am til 11:45 am. The event will include a virtual element to keep participants safe while still celebrating Cardiac Rehabilitation Week.