(Orange, MA) Orange’s Annual Town Meeting spanned two nights this year as residents debated several articles including 4.9% and 4% wage increases for the town administrator and town accountant. The article on adult entertainment use zoning bylaw amendment was ultimately defeated. Voters passed requests for a purchasing a police cruiser and ambulance, as well as $843,000 for a solar array and battery at the Fisher Hill Elementary School. 

(06/02/23) The Town of Orange will be having their Annual Town Meeting and a special Town Meeting on June 20th at 7:00 p.m.

The Special town meeting includes six articles for residents to vote on including $40,000 for replacing the damaged roof on the Town’s Well #2 building. Also included in the Special Town Meeting is a vote to use $151,820.71 from Free Cash to cover the deficit in the Snow and Ice account.

The Annual Town Meeting is more substantial containing 37 articles for the coming fiscal year. The Town is seeking approval to purchase a new ambulance, police cruiser, $50,000 to renovate the ‘Putnam Lot’ for park and recreation purposes. 

To find full listing of the warrant articles, visit here.