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    Stellantis is hitting back at the UAW as the union eyes an unprecedented strike

    By William Gavin,

    27 days ago
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    Ryan Lippert
    24d ago
    just let them strike and hire replacements that want to work and feed their families. what UAW doesn't tell their members is that when their wages and benefits go up the cost of living goes up as well. their employer will raise prices to offset that and it trickles down to the end users. Plus businesses and others in the area want to benefit from your increased wages so they raise their prices too.
    24d ago
    Shawn Fain your UAW president is leading you down a path of losing your jobs! I worked in a city that had many manufacturing jobs and the unions came in and now those jobs are gone! The same city used to have 110.000 residents and now it has 29.000 residents! Those workers lost their jobs to outsourcing, and union workers that thought they had the companies by the balls! They did not! Sadly, people like Shawn Fein only represents himself as be will still have a job in other communities bull shitting the natives into believing union is the way to go! It isn’t! No one can afford these vehicles with the prior union raise. Now these vehicles will just sit and Shawn Fein doesn’t care. His job is protected , yours is not.
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