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    Social Security update: First round of August payments worth $4,873 to go out in 9 days

    By Elaine Mallon,


    Millions of retirees can expect to see their August Social Security payments, worth up to $4,873, in just nine days.

    The amount of Social Security benefits retirees receive depends on the age at which they retire, the number of years they paid into the system, and the amount of money they paid to Social Security. Highest-income earners who retired at age 70 can expect to receive a maximum of $4,873 each month. Those who retired at age 62, the earliest age at which one can begin to collect benefits, at most, can collect $2,710 each month.

    Beneficiaries can see a personalized estimate of how much they can expect each month through the Social Security Administration’s calculator.


    Retirees will receive their Social Security check depending on when their birthday falls. The first round of checks will go out to people born between the 1st and 10th of the month on the second Wednesday of the month, which falls on Aug. 14. Retirees born between the 11th and 20th of a month will receive their checks on Aug. 21, and retirees born on or after the 21st of a month will receive their payments on Aug. 28.

    The federal government has provided Social Security benefits to retirees since 1935, when former President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed it into law. It is financed by a payroll tax paid by both employers and employees. However, analysts estimate the SSA will no longer be able to give out full payments to recipients as early as 2034 due to a rising number of retirees and a shrinking number of workers. It is up to Congress to make changes to ensure recipients don’t see a dip in payments.

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    Tammy Cunningham
    l will be 62 oct 21,1962 my working days are over so help me
    Anna T
    Why are you misleading readers with that amount of $4800. That is not true. Most seniors can barely pay monthly expenses and there is never enough left for groceries. We have to stand in foodlines to make it. Seniors are parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers and we are also forgotten. We still are here. It's hard somedays but I am grateful for the sunrise🌞✌🏽
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