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    Hitchhikers And Drivers Who Pick Up Hitchhikers: Tell Us Your Most Unbelievable Experiences From The Road

    By Emily Kling,


    Ever find yourself in need of a ride?

    You're on your way to...somewhere...and realize you need a lift. Or you have a ride, but something happens that makes you pivot and look for a new one?

    Aj_watt / Getty Images

    Or maybe it's just the opposite. You're driving along, minding your business, and see somebody holding their thumb, hoping someone will pick them up.
    Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

    Well, if either of these people has ever been you, and something wild happened from the encounter, we want to hear about it!

    For example, maybe you gave a pregnant stranger a ride, and they ended up bringing life into the world from the passenger seat...
    Prostock-studio / Getty Images

    Or maybe you rode in the back of a truck with some friendly, albeit smelly cows.
    Jose Luis Raota / Getty Images

    Did you ever have a driver blast "Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of…)" for six straight hours, only to drop you off in a completely different spot than where you thought you were going?
    Picture Alliance / picture alliance via Getty Images

    Did you have a meet-cute-on-the-road and meet your future spouse from a hitchhiking encounter?
    Pekic / Getty Images

    Or, scariest of all, have you ever gotten a ride from a stranger who you later learned was arrested for a crime?
    Douglas Sacha / Getty Images

    Whatever your wild hitchhiking experience, we want to hear about it! Share your thoughts in the comments below, and your responses could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post. Or, if you would prefer to stay anonymous, you can submit your story via Google Form .
    Sonsedska / Getty Images/iStockphoto
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    Billy Allred Sr.
    When I was 14 or 15 I was thumbing 1 Sat afternoon in Clearwater Fl and some guy picked me up after a little bit he started ask all kind of very personal questions about me and if I had ever done the single fist salute to my self. Then I said you drop me right here 2 miles from my house I cut threw so many yards so he couldn't fallow me to my house.
    I picked up a hippy once on the interstate, I-40. He was traveling to another state. It was late evening and I asked him if he was hungry. He said yes but had no money. I stopped and picked up a couple of deli sandwiches with chips and drinks. He fell asleep as soon as he ate. I drove home. I woke him up and told him he and told him he could sleep on the couch. I lived alone. Next morning, I cooked a big breakfast and told him he could shower. He said all of his clothes were dirty,so I did his laundry 😆. Took him back to the interstate,gave him $27 and he gave me a pound of pot! Truly a gentleman and nice guy!! People were kind in the 70's!
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