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    10 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Beer

    By Maddie Jordan,


    I like to view beer as America's drink. Sometimes beer can get a bad rep because you can get a beer belly or it's carbonated. Some people don’t like the taste.

    I hear you people who don't like it, but I just don't really understand it. I personally think that there is simply lots to love about an ice cold beer.

    1. It’s refreshing

    When those mountains are blue or you pull a beer straight out of the fridge and pop that top, the first cool swig down your throat is more than refreshing.

    2. It’s convenient

    If you are sitting on a boat in the middle of the lake, not many people bring the ingredients needed in order to make you a martini. Get some ice and a cooler and you’ll have all you need.

    3. It’s cheap

    Hmm $25 for a fifth of vodka or $15.99 for a 30-rack???

    4. It floats

    This may seem like a weird fact, but if you are standing on a dock or a boat and you are throwing a beer to your friend in the water, don’t worry about them catching it, because it floats in water.

    5. It is the perfect day drink

    I tell you what, nothing is better than sitting on a porch, enjoying the sunshine, drinking a beer. It is also the best drink to be holding during a darty (day party). That is just a simple fact.

    6. The drinking games

    Flip cup, beer pong, hell bring in the beer bong and the keg. Someone turn on 'Thunderstruck'. All of these fun things are associated with beer and they are better with beer. If you you are playing flip cup with straight liquor, know that I am praying for you.

    7. You end up with a wide-assortment of coozies

    Coozies are cool and fun. They help keep your beer cold. There is a lot to love about them. You'll get your first one and then before you know it you have a bin full and you'll have no idea where you got them all.

    8. There are many types to choose from

    Coors. Bud Light. Budweiser. Busch Light. Miller Lite. Blue Moon (if you're fancy). The options are endless my friends.

    9. It goes with many foods

    Beer tastes good with many foods. Cheeseburgers, pizza, tacos, you name it.

    10. Beer is timeless

    Beer has been around for a very VERY long time. And its legacy will continue.

    Bottoms up beer drinkers.

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    Bluto Blutarski
    all women look better
    F*** LGBTQ and U 2
    Wonder why they call it spirits?? 🤔 shits makes me sleepy after a few hours and unproductive. Garbo unless you at a concert or bar take that shit else where
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