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  • The Prentiss Headlight

    Bids awarded at second June board meeting

    By Holley Cochran,


    The Jefferson Davis County Board of Supervisors met for the second meeting of June Monday in the board room in Prentiss. After prayer was offered by President Michael Evans, the board approved the agenda.

    Bids for cold mix were open with the bid being awarded to Dunn Roadbuilders for $145 per ton for a four-month term.

    Engineer Les Dungan gave an update on the ERBR bridge projects.

    The board approved a quote for a wheel replacement in District 3 for $225.29 to L and J Tire.

    Chief Deputy Frank Riley made a request to the board for a three-ton mini-split unit for the server room at the Sheriff’s Administration Building. The new central dispatch equipment is in the server room and causes the room to keep a high temperature. The high temperature will cause damage to the equipment over time. The board approved the purchase of $6856.31 from Jones Mechanical for the unit.

    The board approved a quote for a metal carport in District 3 for $4721.00 to T and S Carport.

    The agenda item Approve quote for camera system for Administration Building was tabled.

    District 1 Supervisor Corky Holliman discussed the need for a certified storm water employee at the landfill. No action was taken.

    The board discussed the hiring of someone to bush hog the Industrial Park. No action was taken.

    Southeast MS Air Ambulance District submitted a budget request to the board.

    The July 15 board meeting was approved to be moved to July 17 due to the supervisors being out of town at a conference.

    Reports were given by accountant Cathy Slocum and attorney Wes Daughdrill.

    In other news, the board approved the following without opposition before entering into executive session and adjourning:

    • Approved minutes.

    • Approved Board President signing Participation Agreement for Mississippi Association of Supervisors Inmate Medical Cost Containment Program and HIPAA Compliance Addendum to Inmate Cost Containment Participation Agreement.

    • Approved rescinding order on an Employee Action Form.

    • Approved spreading into the minutes Employee Action Forms for the Sheriff’s Department and Districts 2 and 4.

    • Approved employees attending meetings and conventions.

    • Approved payment of invoices for countywide paving to TL Wallace: District 1 $123,471.99; District 2 $199,479.86; District 3 $197,251.96; District 5 $140,654.74.

    Dungan Engineering: District 1 $ 6,790.93; District 2 $10,967.50; District 3 $10,852.73; District 5 $ 7,567.98.

    • Approved payment of invoices without a purchase order to Deep South Truck and Equipment Sales for District 1.

    • Approved reimbursement to employees, Evan Price $33.60 while picking up inmate in Alabama.

    • Approved spreading into the Minutes Proclamation from the Governor closing offices on Friday, July 5.

    • Approved credit card report and payment.

    • Approved claims.

    The post Bids awarded at second June board meeting appeared first on Prentiss Headlight .

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