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    11 Reasons Why May Is The Best Month

    By Mikayla Lasky,


    April showers are bringing in those May flowers. May is here and it is one of the most exciting months out of the year for many reasons. There's so many important events going on in May and so many different things to do. Here's 11 reasons May is the best month out of the year.

    1. School is done and summer has officially begun.

    We are all waiting for the month of May because we all know school is out. We look forward to the month of May all year long. It's summer time!

    2. We get to reunite with our friends from home.

    It's been a long semester without seeing our lovely friends from home. The month of May is finally a time to reunite with our long lost best friends. Our college friends are great, but sometimes we just want to go back to our home roots.

    3. It's time to relax.

    The year has been hard on us, and now it's time to take a break for a little while. May is finally our chance to relax from all the stresses of school.

    4. Start new jobs or internships.

    We may have just gotten done with school, but that doesn't stop us from keeping our foot on the gas. May is the beginning of many jobs and internships where we can gain the experience for our future careers.

    5. We get to spend time with our family.

    Family time is the best time. May is a chance to finally come home from school and get in some much needed family time. We made our way through the long semester and now all we want is to spend some time with our favorite people.

    6. More importantly, we get to come home to our pets.

    It's no secret, we missed our pets while we were at school. Nothing is better than coming home to a wagging tail or a purring cat. We missed them the most.

    7. Country concerts.

    Country concert season is here. It all starts in May. The flannels, cowboy hats, and good times are all right around the corner!

    8. Indy 500.

    The 100th running of the Indy 500 is here, and it is an event you're not going to want to miss. May is full of special events and this might just be one of the biggest.

    9. The Kentucky Derby.

    There's nothing quite like dressing to the nines and having a great time while doing it. The month of May is home to this event, making May that much better.

    10. Memorial Day.

    Memorial Day is known for a lot of people headed out to the lake. It's a great time to get together with family and friends for the holiday before May is over!

    11. Pool season is here.

    The pool covers are off, friends are home, and pool season has officially began. It's time to take the chance to relax and catch some rays this May.

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